Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I was given the name “Krystol” by my sister when I was just a small gurl…4 or 5. It is basically my birth name reversed…Ray Krystol became Krystol Rahe. We lived in a pretty isolated are so playmates were rare…I was it. She taught me everything from makeup to grace.
We had moved just prior to my entering Jr. High, so when I was registered my name officially became Krystol. Everything else just fell into place…I was truly blessed.
I love talking about my girly self. I chose the name Gerie for my girly persona because it’s meaning is the same as my manly name yet it depicts the most intimate side of my inner being. If you take the name Gerie Lin and turn it around, (such as I’ve done with my life as a man), it becomes Lin Gerie or lingerie! Which is what truly turned my life around. The discovery of lingerie early in my life and the intimacy and secrecy involved, the sensual feel against my skin uncovered a side of myself that macho man Gary feels he must suppress in order to fit the mold of modern society. If more men would come to terms and accept their feminine side then life on our planet would take a surprising turn for the better. Chix rule and guys drool!
Thanx Lucille
I am grateful that you have asked us why we chose our names. I see that many of us have well thought reasons for our names, as important as the names we give our children. So do I.
Lisa was the kindest and sweetest bright woman I ever knew, and I took her name for my first name to remind me to temper my smarts with kindness and sweetness.
Marie is my mother’s first name and my oldest daughter’s middle name, and I chose it for my middle name to honor my mother. Also, I have many of my mother’s features and even sound like her, and since I am from her it is fitting that her first name is my second name.
Kelly is also an aspirational choice for my last name. Kelly is the last name of a woman of my mother’s generation who, like my mother, was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, and whom my mother admired, and whom I think is the classiest woman to live, Grace Kelly, Princess of Moanco.
Thank you for allowing us to share our reasons for taking the names we have.
Lisa Marie Kelly
May 20, 2011
Hi Lucille! I finally arrived at Marian, after experimenting with a few different ones. My maternal grandmother’s name was Mary, and I wanted something close to that, and always liked the name Marian.
Good morning, Lucille. Debbie is short for Debra which is what my mother told me years ago that she would have named me had I been born female. In fact, she would have named me Debra Anne which matches my male initials. Have a wonderful day.
My female name came about when I was in 7th grade. I’d been dressing up for a couple years prior to that. While at my aunt’s house over a weekend I stumbled upon a copy of the “National Enquirer” tabloid she always read. In that issue was a story about a transsexual, which fascinated me because I was pretty sure that was why I dressed up.
The trans-woman’s name was “Suzanne Jeanette Fontaine” which seemed so elegant & feminine. At some point I adopted her name but I didn’t like the “Suzanne” so I dropped that name, and used “Jeanette” as my first name and “Fontaine” as my last. I needed a middle name and there was a girl I went to school with named Liz, so I chose “Elizabeth” as my middle name, and I was then “Jeanette Elizabeth Fontaine”.
Here’s the eery part… And I SWEAR to you this was completely accidental!! My female name’s initials are “J.E.F.” and I realized later they spell my male birth name “Jeff”. Too weird…
I love my girl name because to me, it feels so elegant and feminine. On one of my credit card accounts, I have a “second card holder” with the name “Jeanette E. Fontaine” on it. I pass very well and when I go shopping, it’s sooo cool to use that card and see “my” name on the receipt and sign it with my female signature!!! Highly recommended for the rest of you girls out there!!
Jeanette Fontaine
Hello Lucille, my real name is patrick,but my native name is dreamcatcher. It came about to me in a dream when i was younger. Im a decendent from the famous indian sioux chief crazy horse. So my friends call me dreamcatcher because they say that i make all thier dreams come true.
I had a teacher years ago, and her first name was Tara. I respected so much that I wish I was like her. Thats where Tara came from.