Your name is an important part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a crossdresser or trans woman, you have the unique privilege of choosing your own female name—a name that truly reflects who you are.
For many of you, there’s a special story behind your chosen name.
So, I’d love to know: What’s the meaning behind your feminine name?
Share your name and the story of how you chose it in the comments below.
I can’t wait to hear your story!
The reason I chose Natalie is I have a twin brother who’s named is Nathaniel, and since being the ‘female’ part of our relationship as sibling, it fit, and my Mother was very accepting of have set twins who are so different yet same in so many way makes us unique in the eyes of many.
I don’t know why, but, I always loved the name Ashli. I actually wanted to name my son Ashli, as in Gone With the Wind, Ashli, but family would have no part of that. My real name is Rick so I toyed with Richelle, but really liked Ashli much better. And the sissy part comes because I am a total submissive bottom, that want s to submit to any and all takers, anytime or anywhere.
Thanks Lucille!
Well.. From the beginning we would refer to my feminine self as Hidey, since she would always hide from the public eye. And now that I’m out and in the public eye, the name Heidi was just a natural progression. although very different from my male name, it suits me being originally from Finland.
That is a great photo! Congrats! I love the name as well. I have several friends by that name.
I chose my name Jennie at the first place I went to dress up. Its quite a feminine name and had a nice aura about it, suits me fine
I grew up with 3 older sisters and our mother (no father). Our mother’s eccentric older sister was our Aunt Catherine (also divorced). She had very negative opinions (and joked) about men all the time. From age 18 months on, my sisters dressed me in all their hand-me-down clothes (I cannot remember a time when I was not). I played with my sisters, and all four of us did baking, sewing, laundry, dusting with our mother and our aunt sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, making fun a men while boasting of the benefits of being women. Aunt Catherine always doted on me, did our nail polish, brushed my long hair, did pony tails/pig tails/braids, told me I’ll always be much better/happier as a girl, and when she hugged me close always whispered in my ear, “You’re like me honey, a little Catherine”. My oldest sister was Laura, and I always wanted to be just like her in every way. Our mother’s maiden name was Peterson. So for 40+ years now I’ve enjoyed presenting myself to the world as Cathy Laura Peterson. And just like you Lucille, I ALWAYS think of myself as Cathy.
My wife is an active participant, so we took the last 2 letters of my name, the first 2 of hers. Ke/li
My make name is Roger and because I want to become a woman with a vagina I wanted a
Name that would reflect both hence my name which I chose is
This might sound kinda cheesy but it is the truth.
The topic of a name came up and she and I explored options.
I suggested Brie.
She said, ” Bree ? Like the cunt on Desperate House Wives ? Bree is a slut name, I like it !”
I said, “No, like the French Cheese that I like.”
We chuckled and she decided that was my name, Brie French.
I tend to look best as a Brunette or Auburn hair so I look French.
Bleached blonde just makes me look like a MILF Cougar so the slutty Bree name matches.
When we parted I kept the name.
I just picked a good Irish name to go with my heritage, and given the opportunity I wanted something I liked and was not real common.