Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I choose Romy after a beautiful tg-artist who works in Berlin and who I admire very much: Romy Haag
As a child I also loved the romantic Sissy films starring Romy Schneider (lots of beatiful dresses!)
Love Romy
When I first started dressing A name wasnt at the top of my list until I really felt Good about myself. Then to my surprise I was dumb fonded at choosing a name that I could accept for the rest of my life. The chooses were just to many so I decided to let my viewers off a few dateing sites choose for me. The winner would be my first Dinner Date Dressed.
An Yes He stills see Miss Alexia after 4 years.
Miss Alexia
I chose Cassandra originally, after the woman of Greek myth who could tell the future, but to whom nobody listened. I altered this to Cassandria, because I felt this was more feminine. A typo made me Cassandira at a TG conference, and I kept this because I liked it.
Hi Lucille,
At first I didn’t think so much about a female name because I’m still in the closet, so to speak, but after a while I started thinking about it anyway. It seemed most logical to stick to the same first sign in my male name and started googling from there, got a few options and Esmée seemed the best to me, don’t hear the name so often, you can say the name in any language and it stays the same and in holland (where I’m from) we have a singer who is called the same and she lookes beautiful, at least I think so. So thats how I came up with my female name.
Hugs and kisses,
I am a psychic medium and one day my guides blurted out my name. Saying this is the name my soul was created with. In what some call heaven I call home I am a female soul I have lived life as male a d female many times. Elia means god is jehova. My husband was given the name Emmanuel, that is a love story in and of itself. Have a great day. Elia Sloat ps just recovering from FFS surgery
i choose Lisa after a long time of changing and trying different names. my birth name is Ian Blair which i always thought was fem, but now that im an adult i looked at popular names of the time period of my birth and Lisa just jumped out at me.i don’t know if suits me like some peoples names. but have been going with it for 5 years.
The feminine form of Wilhelm is Wilhelmina and Willa is the short form of that. I knew only one other woman named Willa and I admired her, so I had a model. Also, I wanted a name that was less common and that has proven to be true … I have never come across a room full of “Willas”.
HI ladies, I never choose my name as such. My Wife new of my dressing and in the early days wasn’t as supportive as she is now. We would occasionally play computer games together nothing fancy just fun. To make the game more interesting we added to extra players to compete against. So my Wife’s nick name was Bob, and she called me Traci. I added Loren after Sofia Loren as she was always a very sophisticated lady and something to aspire to. Thanks for the opportunity Hugs Traci
The name fits your look. The photo is to photoshopped to comment on your look, but I think that you have a great future ahead of you.