Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Hi Lucille,
It wasn’t easy for me to choose a fem name. You see my boy name is William or Bill, and didn’t want a fem name that could be connected to a male name. So at first i just used the first fem name that popped into my head which was Sara. Then when I finally came out to my family and friends, I decided I didn’t care to much for it. So I thought about it allot still try to think of one that wasn’t boy connected in anyway,or anyone in the family had. I couldn’t get any help from my family cause they didn’t (and still don’t) except me for who I am, even though it’s been close to 4 years since i came out. Then the name Cathy popped into my head and I ran both names past my childhood friends daughter. So between Nikki and her two cousin they liked Cathy best, I even ask them if I should spell it with a “C” or a “K”. They chose “C” and I kept it. Then I got to thinking that I never had a middle name cause I was named after my father who didn’t have one either. So I started thinking of names that would sound good with Cathy and came up with Renee which I really liked.
I also wold like to thank you for all the work and help that you are giving to us girls. Thank you Thank you
Much Love to you and all the girls out there.
Cathy Renee
My name is Nashi, it’s a Japanese girls name. I chose this name because I love Japanese culture and the name means ‘born in the west’ which I thought was perfect for me^.^
Hi Lucille,
I chose my name in conjunction with one of my hobbies. I am an avid watcher of T.V. and I love old shows. There was an actress named Tamara Dobson who portrayed a strong and confident African American Federal Agent named Cleopatra Jones.I liked the character I chose the first name of “Tamara/Tammy for short” I also like an actress named Jenna Dewan who portrayed a character named,”Tamara”. I enjoyed that movie very much.My middle name is “Jordan” after a character played by Actress Erika Eleniak and the actress Jordana Brewster.
I like the name because I see it as strong and I like it.
I was kind of lost in selecting a name and actually selected my name while watching TV, the light went off when a promo for the Kate & Ally show came on. I liked having my name appearing at the top of a list when sorted in alpha order by first name. LOL
My feminine name of Allie was an easy one for me. I was born Al. I remember I had many friends with names like tommy, billy, joey and such. Many times I was jokingly called Allie to sound the same. So, when I pursued my feminine lifestyle the name came so naturally to me that I didn”t think twice about it!
My middle name is my grandmother maiden name, my first name is one of my ancestor’s surname, as is my last name naturually. All of them are modern verson of Celtic surnames from both side of my parent families. Faye is similiar to my middle name; therefore I can still use my same Initial in a slightly different order.
Well I put a lot of thought into it. Their was a girl I always admired named Shae. She had long wavy hair, and deep blue eyes. I thought it was one of the most feminine names. Plus it sounded like she. She owned a magnolia tree and she said Magnolia flowers were the symbol of feminine beauty at its highest perfection. So I decided I would call myself Shae Magnolia to remind myself of how beautiful i want to be.
When it came time to choose a feminine name for myself the choice was really easy. The name Michelle is a softer version of my given name. I have always loved this name so it was only natural.