Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I did not choose my name it chose me, when I was trying to figure out who or what I was about 30 years ago I decided to crossdress and go out in public for the first time, I felt freedom for the first time ever!
A man looked at me and called to me and said Tracey? Not knowing what to say I said yes and he then realized I was someone else and offered to buy me a coffee. I took him up on his offer and we are still friends today.
That is how I got my name.
Hi Lucille,
When I needed an online female profile, I was thinking of girls I wanted to be like and whose name I liked. I was friends with a girl named Stacey in high school whom I wanted to emulate. I also loved the name, so I chose Stacey:)
Best of Luck ladies. I would really love to win the necklace myself, but any of us deserve it… Thanks Lucille.
I chose my name form the TV show “Who’s the boss?” With Tony Danza in the show his daughter’s name was Samantha. My middle name was given to me by people who worked at a consighnment store I use to frequent before it closed. My Sure name I chose that by a diffrenchion of a friends Sure name Hartsill.
This is how I chose my fem name.
Hi Lucille,
I chose my feminine name of Robyn Lee as a tribute to my grandfathers, whom both passed away before I was three years old. The first name of Robyn is for mom’s father Robinson and the middle name of Lee is for dad’s father Lee. I spell Robyn with a Y because I like Robyn Lively and for me, Robyn seems to be a more feminine spelling instead of Robin.
Robyn Lee
i started out looking up names and their meanings, seeing what felt right but i was still having a bit of trouble even though i had found many i thought would work,a bit like writer’s block really.after that i had got ahold of my friend and asked if she could help me, just give me some recommendations on names that seem to fit me and i also had narrowed it down to a few different letters so i asked her to look up the ones with those so i could she what she came up with.i had felt one of the letters i chose was the first letter in the name i was looking for but i didnt know which one and after askings my friend’s help i went and looked some more but still no luck.a few days later my friend let’s me know what she has found but it turns out none of those names worked either but after asking my friend i was able to narrow it down even more and started looking at just R names, i just felt what i was looking for was there.eventually i chose reyna, it just fit, it was right, i felt it not only worked but felt right.
Pamela grew on me I wanted to be called Sarah when i signed up for a website (love that name) but Sarah wasn’t available
so chose another name plus it’s the same initial as my drab name now i’m known as Pamela in so many places it wouldn’t be worth starting again as Sarah…wipes a tear
p.s Lucille is such a pretty name <3 quite befitting for a pretty lady as your lovely self 😀 Xx
In preschool I carpooled with my friend Kelly. I crushed on her beauty all the way through high school. Thanks to her no other name even had a chance 🙂