Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
For over 6 years almost everybody has been calling me Nikki, and since my male name is Nick,I decided one day “why not?”
I got a nice head start in my transition just using the tips you mention in my e-mail.With hormones,a doctor is surprised if his/her patient doesnt require a period for adjusting the body.With your tips,I am not only adjusted,but I have gone from a flat chest to a B cup in less than 1/2 year!
Hi Lucille,
My name sort of struck me out of the blue for some reason but liked it straight away, as I think it’s very girly. But I also remember something about mother earth being called Sofia by the Greeks or someone, and I thought that was pretty cool, so I stuck with it.
Dear Lucille,
So many cute and pretty girls here. I am a little late for the contest, but I’m fashionably late like many women are at times.
I used a few different names during my womanhood. Most of us use a similar name or same initials to our male names and I have also.
I was feminized by a babysitter when I was a child and made into a little girl when at her house. I didn’t object because it felt so natural and right and I liked the attention she gave me. My male first name starts with a J and she named me Joanie because it was close. The seeds of femininity were planted then.
I went through my younger and high school years secretly dressing in my mother’s clothes when she was at work. I tried to deny my feminine side and be a normal male but still had the desires to be a feminine girl.
I started living as a girl when I was 19 when I moved out and got my own apartment (but still had to work as a male, darn it!). I still used Joanie for awhile but then I met a 35 year old man that I surrendered my female (anal) virginity to and we became involved in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship for several years which I was the girlfriend and his girlfriend of course. He treated me just like I was a girl and I acted totally like a girl when I was around him. I was very passable when I was younger and he used to take me out quite often. But he liked the name Jan and that was what he started calling me. He said that if I was going to be his girlfriend that I was to use a name he liked.
Several years later after the relationship was over I started using other variations and went by Janice for a while and then Janet for a few years.
Even well before “To Wong Foo” I admired Julie Newmar. I started noticing more very attractive and sexy women with the name of Julie. I liked the name and it started with a J. So quite a few years ago I changed my name to Julie.
My middle name is Lee so I took Lisa as my female middle name and became Julie Lisa. My ex-husband from my fantasy marriage liked the name and calling me Julie. But I did assume his last name after our wedding and became his wife. We had a marriage and wedding certificate made up to hang on the wall next to our wedding pictures with my female name on it as the woman and wife. I had always fantasized about being a bride, wearing a wedding band, taken on a honeymoon and becoming a housewife and that did happen. Although it was physically impossible, we tried very hard to get me pregnant. Everyone told me I made a beautiful bride. Everyday during the marriage I got up and did my makeup dressed and prepared myself as a woman. I wore dresses, panties, bras, garter belts, stockings and high heels on a daily basis. I wore a one piece woman’s swimsuit out by our pool in the backyard. I lived totally and 100% as a woman 24/7 and full time. I was just like any other housewife. I was made love to like a woman by my husband almost nightly. I wore then and still do now, prosthetic lifelike and realistic female body parts, breasts and a vulva, to make me appear as a nude woman. I use a very strong medial grade adhesive to attach them to my body and they are like natural parts of my body and make me feel very feminine and womanly.
I have a fake picture ID with the pic with me as a redheaded woman, my sex listed as female and my name as Julie Lisa (and also my last name too). I also have some other documents like a fake birth certificate with me being listed as being born a female and named Julie.
I am a natural brunette but my years and time as a woman I have been a blond or a redhead, mostly a redhead. I had the ‘Peggy Bundy’ look for many years. In fact I still use that look and appearance.
I have started SRS twice. I started with the HRT and had my surgery dates for my boob job and vaginalplasty but stopped both times. The first time was when I was younger and just wanted to become a woman but I saw some badly botched operations and that changed my mind. The second time was when I was married. My husband and I fell in love with each other and we decided to make me a real and complete woman with my own breasts and vagina so we could get legally married and me become his legal wife. I was prepared to be his wife and a woman the rest of my life but that didn’t work out.
I do think of myself as a woman now. My favorite song is, “I Enjoy Being a Girl”.
This started out about feminine names and how we chose them but like many women I got to rambling on. Sorry…
my 1st name was Tiffany given to me by the 1st man who had me but the last man decided I should be Mandy and I “married” him as a woman and love being Mandy for my husband.
I was given this name by the 1st man who desired me and I still use this name to this day but only change the last name which is currently Cosella. He likes to call me Liz while we (do it) but I am known as Mandy
i was very simple in choosing my name.. i wanted to be able to recognize that someone was talking to me. so i just extended my real name from joe.. to joanne.. .i like the name and i think it fits me.. and .. when i hear “jo”.. i know they are talking to me 🙂
When I chose my name Kelli Lynn,I thought about several and Kelli had the sound I liked and is the name of a very sweet girl I knew while in high school. We never became real close friends but I just lked her and her name. Lynn was chosen because Lynn was a very special fun, very close friend. Each name was chosen because of good memories associated with each. Plus neither name is dirived from my male name, saying something of how I feel.