Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I to am late but here goes. I have been CDíng since I was 4, in my late teens I took the and Wendy as it was very close to my GB name. 10 years later I fell in love with my SO to whom I came out to right in the begining, as she has a family member called Wendy this made me feel unconforatble, it did not worry her but it did just not feel right. I changed to Jane. Thsi was heavely influanced but Jane Seymor for Medcine Woman.
Loves to you all,
South Africa
I missed the contest too but thought I’d share my name story. My middle name is LaDon so I just added an “a” and I became LaDonna. I always hated my middle name and was teased growing up by other kids about it. They called me LaDonna and over time I came to secretly embrace and love it. If those mean boys could see me now….
Well, I missed the giveaway, but I wanted to share anyway.
I was lucky to get a fairly neutral name, Alex. But when I started being more social online, I started using the nickname San (based on “xan,” the three central letters in my name) and from there started going with Sandra since it works as a derivitive of my name anyway.
i guess my feminie name was the one of which initial word was actually coming out of my hand from the day i start writting.
it was always “m”. and one day its actually come out of me ”MAYA” which i can say proudly.
Thanks dear that got chance to share this little truth abt me with u all
I started dressing in my mom’s clothes around age 15. She had a few wigs which I tried on, I used her makeup and her dresses fit perfectly! When I started growing my hair longer in the ’60’s, she used to call me Daisy. But a good friend of mine named Dana really turns me on, so I decided to use his name. People call me Dana so naturally, it’s become “who I am.” My breasts started growing naturally for some reason, probably all the soy products I eat. I’ve been using some of your tips and am just about a C cup, which makes me the life of the party because of the revealing clothes I wear. Thanks so much for helping me with my confidence and look. You’re the best, Lucille!
Kisses! Dana
Hi, my name is Sarah.I take this name because I liked very much.For me it is more feminine. I startde to wera feminine clothes since my childhood.My toys wewre my mum stockings.I had long hair, and my pranet sometime catched me in a girly clothes but laugh and didn’t say anything. They were laughing and I was becoming more feminine. On 6 years old I was very happy to touch the stockings and the feel to wear them the crisp and the odour of them make me crazy. Sometimes I was becomming very wet. On 16 years old my neighbour catch me as a lady and gave me the mots beuatiful gift of my life. Noz I was a lady and could continue in this side.Nowadays ? am a lady occasionnaly. Sometimes when I am in a biz trip I can make sex with man and also some lesbians woman.I am very happy woman.I hope to become a real lady after the surgery. Today I need to have larger breasts with puffy nipples too. I am searching and one day I will found the right solution to do.Hugs and kisses to all my sisters .Thanks Sarah
i chose my name Payal as it sounds feminine as well as is an ornament worn in feet which makes u feel woman like. then it is also so close to my real name.
My birth name is Joseph. My sister actually named me Joanne. Her name is Anne and since it was her who allowed me to wear her clothing she simply put the two names together and Joanne was born.