Are you still trying to perfect your feminine voice? A common mistake in MTF voice feminization is speaking in an unnaturally high pitched voice.
Feminine voices do tend to have a higher pitch. (Male voices typically range from 85 to 155 Hz, while female voices range from 165 to 255 Hz.) However, a super high pitch isn’t the only way to sound feminine.
For many transgender women and crossdressers, a deeper female voice sounds more natural. It’s also easier to maintain. Plus, deep voices in women are often considered to be sexy!
If you’ve been struggling to achieve a high pitched voice, consider embracing your deeper voice. For inspiration, here are 10 iconic actresses with captivating deep voices.
P.S. The good news is that you CAN master your pitch and achieve a passable feminine voice with the right tools and strategy.
That’s why I’m so excited to share my new course, Vocal Feminization for Beginners: 30 Day Transformation!
Taught by opera singer and vocal coach Lera Sonzogni, this easy-to-follow program will teach you the basics of achieving a feminine voice in just 30 days.
Sharon Gless
I’m with Rachel, Claudia Black’s voice is divine, I would gladly listen to her all day! If I could achieve a voice even remotely like hers it would make me a very happy woman indeed!
Margot Kidder for sure. Other than her Demi is my top pick.
I am sorry to say, Demi Moore has a deep sexy voice that I wish I had. Not to mention I wish I had a body like hers…
Claudia Black, no contest. I want her to read every book to me.
Hello, a beautiful sensual and hoarse way is for me that of the French actress Jeanne Moreau.
Have a nice day