Are you still trying to perfect your feminine voice? A common mistake in MTF voice feminization is speaking in an unnaturally high pitched voice.
Feminine voices do tend to have a higher pitch. (Male voices typically range from 85 to 155 Hz, while female voices range from 165 to 255 Hz.) However, a super high pitch isn’t the only way to sound feminine.
For many transgender women and crossdressers, a deeper female voice sounds more natural. It’s also easier to maintain. Plus, deep voices in women are often considered to be sexy!
If you’ve been struggling to achieve a high pitched voice, consider embracing your deeper voice. For inspiration, here are 10 iconic actresses with captivating deep voices.
P.S. The good news is that you CAN master your pitch and achieve a passable feminine voice with the right tools and strategy.
That’s why I’m so excited to share my new course, Vocal Feminization for Beginners: 30 Day Transformation!
Taught by opera singer and vocal coach Lera Sonzogni, this easy-to-follow program will teach you the basics of achieving a feminine voice in just 30 days.
The embedded link has no underline, I try once more.
Thanks once more for all you doing for us.Your advices,tips and programs fantastically overturned my feminine image and confidence. I can’t imagine now that 7 months ago I nothing known about you. Now your Forum and this site it’s a part of my life.
I would like(the word want for males!)to show you and all the girls of this site a video with my voice feminization progress by a beautiful program of voice Sorceress Kathe Perez,recorded together with Lynn Skynard.In this video I’m reading well-known “The Rainbow Passage”.I have another more specific and long voice feminization video when I’m reading feminization hypnotic script in magical mystery style,but it’s only for girls of your Great Private Forum and located in topic “My home videos”.
I like Lauren Bacall’s the best. But my own seems to do just fine, and I can make it sexy too. I have never had anyone in work or anywhere question my gender. I guess I sort of feel like the frog that became a Princess. I actually get called Princess by my customers at work sometimes.
I think that there’s no doubt about Kathleen is the sexier voice, what a woman! maybe we could talk about Greta garbo and her manly voice with her marvelous european tone
After lisening to the video a few time it was Scarlett Johansson that matched my voce the best (and she’s the Hottest!!!).
I just can’t seem to pluck up the courage to use my feminine voice in public. Anyone got any tips to break me in slowly?
Happy Birthday!!!Thanks for all your help. Love ya hugs , Doris
I don’t know if you’d call it really sexy, but Whoopi Goldberg is an incredible actress, comedienne and activist and she has a deep voice foe a woman. I think I’ve managed to find my own feminine voice as many men have called me Maam when I’ve gone out dressed up.