You are never too young or too old to be your best female self. But what does that mean when it comes to dressing age appropriately as a transgender woman or crossdresser?
We’ve all seen older women dressed like teenagers… and the attention they attract usually isn’t positive.
Does that mean you have to dress like an old frump after a certain age? Absolutely not!
I believe most of the “dress for your age” rules are silly and outdated… That said, there ARE some guidelines worth keeping in mind.
In this blog post, I share tips on how to look classy and feminine at every age.
Your 20s or Younger
20s: Transgender style inspiration
20s: Transgender style tips
- Your 20s are a time to play with trends and be adventurous. You’re still discovering your style, so take risks and have fun!
- You’re not a kid anymore, so avoid adolescent details like glitter, rhinestones, or cartoony prints.
- You can get away with short skirts and body-baring styles, but be careful not to cross the line from sexy to slutty. Good taste is a fashion DO at any age.
Your 30s
30s: Transgender style inspiration
30s: Transgender style tips
- Your 30s are the time to start adding a touch of sophistication to your look.
- You can still have fun, but it’s time to uplevel your look by dressing less casually than you did in your 20s.
- This is the perfect time to start building a wardrobe of classics while continuing to play with trendy items.
Your 40s
40s: Transgender style inspiration
40s: Transgender style tips
- This is the age to start thinking about dressing in more tailored styles. Consider classic, clean shapes in bold colors or prints for added impact.
- Go for simplicity rather than complicated details. From now on, your look should be clean, classy and sophisticated.
- There’s no reason to turn down your sex appeal once you hit 40. But instead of baring it all, show off one part of your body and keep the rest covered.
Your 50s
50s: Transgender style inspiration
50s: Transgender style tips
- Now’s the time to start highlighting your face instead of your body. (Though if you have a body like Candis Cayne, throw this rule out the window!)
- It’s especially important to wear clothes that fit well. Choose tailored styles that skim your body instead of clinging.
- As you get older, your clothes should get simpler. But simple doesn’t have to mean boring! Accessorize with bold jewelry, gorgeous bags, and great shoes.
Your 60s and Beyond
60s+: Transgender style inspiration
60s+: Transgender style tips
- By now you know yourself well and are past trying to look like a 30-year-old.
- Much like a woman in her 50s, it’s best to stick to the classics, with lots of interesting jewelry and other accessories to liven up your face and wardrobe.
- Invest in good quality shoes, handbags, and jewelry so you can enjoy them through this decade and beyond.
- No matter how far past 60 you are, you NEVER have to dress in frumpy old lady clothes!
NOW is the Perfect Time to Be Your Best Female Self!
The most important thing to know is that you can look beautiful and feminine at any age. NOW is the perfect time to be your best female self, so let’s celebrate your journey!
On that note, I’d love to hear from you…
Which decade are you in and what do you LOVE most about being your current age?
Please take my poll and share in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will LOVE my free 3-part Male to Female Makeover Course.
One year shy of 60 and I dress the age I feel
I am 68 and try to dress according to conventual styles but will not resort to frumpy old “lady” looks. Good makeup skills can help.
May I say that how you feel, shows on your face.Take care of yourself, eat right and exercise. Drink lots of water and refrain from alcohol and tobacco. Stop counting the years, instead make today count. (Gee, I sound like a life coach!) There’s always something to learn, new skills to acquire and marvels to discover. With age comes wisdom and remember, a “lady” never reveals her true age.
Dress in ways that make you feel good.
Live life in ways that make you feel good.
Conduct yourself in ways that make you feel good.
When you feel good about yourself, it shows.
For 74 years I still love dressing up
Yuuuuup, you still got it,
Thank you so much
You look terrific! Im envious…..
Thanks you so much
Having passed my 73rd, I’m blessed to be able to go out sporting heels and skirts without the use of a cane. lol Wearing a top and skort can be exhilarating here in the southwest when it is 100*+ but rest assured, I am very careful of how I wear those garments, what they look like on me and most of all how I will be observed. I do most of my galavanting during the day time as there’s a certain security in going out in broad daylight.
Regardless though, some people will always notice us and think to themselves, or out loud, saying ah, he’s an old man, probably fell off his rocker or he’s senial and has lost his way. My personal favorite is “he’s deranged”. But there’s nothing we can do about what others think so critics be damned, have a good time.
Age appropriate, ladies, is a must. Lest we give the public fodder and hinder our sisters. When you are at home? The world is your oyster.
I’m dealing with belly fat so the right top on me is always critical. But hey, let nothing stop us. I think this time period we’re in right now in history is the best shot we will ever have at advancing our cause. Best wishes to all
Dorothy in Tucson
I’m 77, going on 101. Actually, 101 is the age I will be, when I decide when I’m going to meet the Lord.
However, I like to dress young, when I stay at home, because I feel young doing so. When I go out, I wear clothes, that your 50 and 60 year old ladies, you’ve shown. With them, I feel pretty.
With regard to the question, what do I like most about being my age? I would have to say that it’s not having to worry about having an active night life, like I did when I was younger and having a spouse in the same age bracket as we are both in our sixties and not as wild as we used to be. We can and do still find ways to have fun. I am still in the early stages of transition with HTR, so it IS a work-in-progress, but it’s also a whole new start. Fwy, to make things easier on her, we just feminized my masculine
I’m a 32 Gender fluid. Some people call me a cross dresser, but when I am expression my feminine side I try to dress according to my age. I get many good compliments, and a pass so well that I have no trouble from anyone when “she” uses the women’s restroom. Everyone that see me addresses me as Ma-am or She. I even had guys get the door for me, as a gentleman would for a Lady. I feel like all this would not be possible if i wasn’t Fashion conscientious and dress for my age.
However, a part of me really wants to wear the clothes Of a Teenage girl, given that i never got to actually to do that. So I have decided to fore fill this desire by dressing as a teenager in private, or for Halloween, and being age appropriate with my dress in public. This seems to be working for me. If you are wondering YES, I spend a lot of money on my Halloween Costume. 😛 It drives my girlfriend Crazy.
Hi I’m Danielle cross dresser from goulburn NSW Australia you look sensational just thought I’d say hi