It’s amazing how much our names shape our identities. Some names feel like a perfect fit from the start, while others never quite resonate with us.
However, crossdressers and transgender women have the unique opportunity to choose their own feminine names.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear YOURS.
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please tell us your story in the comments below, and if you can, share a photo too. It’s always lovely to put a face to a name!
Are you still searching for the perfect female name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
hi Lucille,
I was given the names leslie james, at birth so not to create total confusion call myself Lesley jane, it is a whole lot easier,i love all about being feminine I have enjoyed the development of my breasts & all that goes with it.i feel so wonderful thank you for all the love you share .
love lesley
Hi, my name Julie Ellen Williams is derived from my always liking the name Julie,
and Ellen as my middle name as a tribute to my beautiful mother whose middle name was Ellen also.
I found my name from the smell of jasmine in the air when i was in the south. I loved it and made me feel very sweet. The last name i took was Paige, as i loved Betty Paige the pin up from way back when. Now i am Jasmine Paige, or at least when I get to dress up. I think about transition almost every day.
Thankyou Vannessa. I do love your name and would like to talk with you if you want to be girl friends and chat.
a few years ago while I was out the the bush of western BC I had a really too close encounter with a very angry mother grizzly bear and her 2 Cubs. After my encounter whereby we all went our separate ways I pondered about life. And I got to thinking that it was too short and fragile and decided to get out dressing into the world. I decided my name should be who I am in life so I came up with Maryellen. Me for short. That’s right folks, that’s me you see wearing that nice outfit walking with confidence and head held high. Ha try and scare me now!
I keep poor Jessica buried so long. When i decided i was transgendered, she came screaming out of bondage. She let me know who she was.
I chose mine because of a childhood crush, back before i knew much about this stuff i had met a girl online i talked to and her name was Kourtney, i loved the spelling like that to and even tho i never met her and lost touch, i kept the name for a daughter i could have someday. When i started to discovery this about myself i ended up adopting the name for myself. I’m a crossdresser and when I’m expressing my female side that’s who i am, otherwise I’m completly content with my male side and at this time have no desire to actually transition but i do evaluate that from time to time but I’m happy with where i am, me and kourtney
I made a slight typo to the ending to my name. It should say ine is the ending of masculine and feminine.
45 years ago, I named one of my pet rats Crystal. I added line to make Crystalline which is a clear shiny mineral. It breaks down to Cry which I cry a lot, stall because my transition has stalled, and ine which is the ending of male and feminine.