Do you want to feel confident and look your best when presenting yourself as a woman?
The great news is that looking attractive is more about how you present yourself than it is about natural-born beauty.
Studies show that physical attractiveness is mostly influenced by “self-care” — how you groom, style your hair, and dress.
This makes grooming and self-care essential to your feminine image!
In this blog post, I’ll share five simple grooming tips to include in your regular beauty routine, all tailored with practical trans / crossdressing advice.
1. Hand Care
Your hands say a LOT about you!
Since your hands may be larger than the average woman’s, it’s especially important to take good care of them. The last thing you want is for your hands to draw unwanted attention.
Beauty prescription:
- Every 1-2 weeks: Give yourself a manicure – or better yet, get a manicure at a nail salon. Clip or file your nails and push back the cuticles with a cuticle pusher.
- Daily: Clean underneath your fingernails with nail brush and apply hand cream several times per day.
2. Hair Removal
You already know that beard stubble and chest hair can undermine your feminine image. But it’s essential to consider other often neglected areas too.
Do you have unwanted hair in any of these particular spots?
- Nose and ears
- Knuckles and toes
- Eyebrows
- Back
- Bikini area
- Arms
- Legs
Beauty prescription:
- Once per week: Shave, trim, wax, and/or pluck the above-mentioned areas as needed.
3. Exfoliation
Exfoliation is the process of scrubbing off dead skin cells. Dead skin cells can dull your complexion and lead to ingrown hairs.
Exfoliation will give you smoother, younger looking skin, which can greatly enhance your appearance as a crossdresser or transgender woman.
Beauty prescription:
- Once or twice per week: Exfoliate your face and body using a washcloth, loofah, or exfoliating scrub. (When exfoliating your face, be sure to use facial products only.)
4. Foot Care
It’s easy to forget your feet, especially during the winter, when they are covered up with shoes and socks. But that’s no excuse to ignore them.
Could you imagine a beauty icon like Marilyn Monroe or Angelina Jolie with cracked heels and ragged toenails? No way – and neither should you.
Beauty prescription:
Twice per month: Treat yourself to a pedicure at home or in a salon. Trim your toenails and (optionally) apply polish. Remove calluses with a pumice stone.
5. Face Mask
Applying a face mask once per week should be part of every girl’s routine. Besides targeting specific skincare concerns, relaxing with a mask is a great way to pamper yourself.
There are face masks designed to address every concern from acne to wrinkles. In addition to cream and clay masks, sheet masks are a popular and convenient option.
Beauty prescription:
- Once per week: Apply a face mask suited to your skin.
What are YOUR must-do beauty rituals?
Being pretty and polished is a great confidence booster. These habits can also make you look better in guy mode, so it’s a win-win.
What are YOUR must-do beauty or grooming rituals? Please share in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
I get a very good tips how to be a Femme when I was 10 years old I took on a feminine looks as possible like wig, bras, pantyhose high heels, nylons, panties, i really love dressing up as a pretty girl also a some make-up like Blush, Lipstick, Mascara, Eye Shadow, and hair removal under arms, and bikini area.
I wear best fashionable clothes as possible to pass as a woman I look my very best like dresses, skirts, and heels.
Overwhelmingly fun!
Got some winter thigh high stocking in both black and natural (not sand).
Getting ever closer to being more convincing cross dresser…
Yes i agree too, great tips. I have laser on my back, shoulders, neck, chest and stomach – had about 7-8 sessions now, definitely notice the difference!
I regularly get my legs and junk waxed too. Still haven’t “plucked” up the courage to do anything with my forearms or eyebrows 🙁
Every time I dress I try to do a passable job that includes exfoliating as well as hair removal as possible, but other than long sleeves my struggle is hiding the dark hair on my forearms. Eye bags are another problem area.Just a happy CD @ 50something
You’re a very lovely lady Cynthia !!!!
Cynthia, gurl you ROCK. Great makeup, every bit a lady in my eyes
Hi Lucille, wonderful tips, thx so much. I agree with Susan, shaving can be a pain, so maybe i’ll do somethin similar in the future, although it is easier shaving wirh shaving cream in the shower, instead of soap. I have sensitive skin, so i notice certain areas that i shave get a lil irritated, so i use more lotion. I really have to start goin for manis and pedis at least once a month, but i like to save, so thx for the tip about cuticles. Also, i do exfoliate, but the tip about wearing a mask once a month is awesome! Samantha Janek
Sorry typed in that extra k at the end.
As always Lucille’s comments, ideas and suggestions are right on. The greatest thing I did to enhance my feminization was to have my beard totally removed by electrolysis. It was time consuming, costly and painful, but well worth the time, expense and pain because it is the only way to permanently remove hair. I love being able to run errands with just a little powder, mascara, and lipstick and never worrying about beard shadow.