Stepping out into the word as your female self can be incredibly empowering. It’s powerful validation for crossdressers and transgender women alike.
In this blog post, I want to dive into this topic and hear about your own experiences. How often do you present yourself as a woman in public?
Do you live as a woman full time? Do you crossdress regularly or on occasion? Or is the answer, sadly, “never”?
Please take my transgender / crossdressing survey and share your thoughts in the comments below!

P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
I live full time as a woman, and I couldn’t be happier. I transitions full-time about 15 years ago. Will it was hard and scary at first it is the best decision I have ever made. It helped a lot that I had support from people who cared about me.
I love to go out in public as a woman as often as possible. I go shopping and to a restaurant, meet with friends and go to a beauty salon. I am so glad to have ventured outside. 🙂
[ sit outside dressed
I dress whenever I can but do not go out dressed as a woman. I have at my age accepted the fact that I was always a woman regardless of how my body looks. I shave everything and have been wear shorts this summer that are high and love going out and showing off my shaved legs. I just wish I had accepted how I feel earlier in life.
I too have been doing as Claudia and going out all summer with shorts and shaved body. I have even gone out with hose and shorts as I do some walking for exercise. So far it has gone well.
I love being female all the time. It’s just who I feel I am. And I love being called Mam or Miss all the time. Even at work. It just makes me feel great.
I dress as a woman at my home most every day but only go out dressed occasionally and only to go to places that are t-girl friendly. I am working to get better at applying makeup to be more passable so I can go out more often
Hi there girls my name is aj i try to get out as much as i can i just love too go shopping and meet up with my girl friends on saturday nights for drinks and a chat life to short to stay in.x
It breaks my heart that so many of us here are yearning to express themselves more freely, but are holding-back because of friends & loved ones. Maybe this thought will help a bit?