Being a woman has so many great things to offer. From dressing up and hanging out with friends to expressing emotions freely, there’s a lot to love.
If you’re a crossdresser or a transgender woman, I’m sure you also find femininity and everything that goes with it pretty appealing.
So, I’d like to know, what do you love most about being a woman or expressing your feminine side?
Take my poll and share your thoughts in the comments below!
Well lets see, I like the fact that I am calmer, more attentive towards my son. I don’t have the sex drive like I did when I was a male, thank god for that. I can express myself the way I want to. I don’t have to be the macho ass hole anymore. I just thank god that is all behind me now. Plus I like to wear the short skirts and shorts. The shopping is fun to, don’t get me wrong there. I can careless about the mood swings that you get with the hormones, but I guess that is part of being a woman, crabby when you don’t want to.
What I love the most about being a woman is the emotional responses I can feel….not allowing my male pride to take over in public. I do love the shopping, getting dressed up, getting asked out on dates and dancing! Diana
Just wanted to say you look stunning, love your style.
What I love the most about being a woman is the emotional feelings I can express and not allowing my male pride to stand in the way…but like every girl,I love to dress up and go shopping as well,like getting asked out and dancing! Diana
This is not a simple answer. All of the answers apply. I love getting all dressed up and then I become a woman. With the love of shopping, and other womanly desires.
I love dressing up and going out. I am in a new relationship that I have promissed not to go out dressed up though. I love shopping, painting and doing my nails, and I really love feeling my breast jiggle when going up and down stairs. What i love the most though is the feeling of self I get when I’m dressed.
This is a difficult answer, I can not give one reason why I like being a women. First I think I have always wanted something out of life I could not obtain. when I am en feminine, I feel relaxed and at ease. First I love my breasts, I can not wait till they are really mine. I think a women’s wardrobe is great, there is really no limits on what I can choose to wear. Nylons feel great, a nice blouse and a skirt on are fantastic also. I am new at putting on makeup, it is nice to feel like a women when it is on. I like the feeling that comes over me when I am fully dressed and relaxing. I can not say I feel that as a man. This is a journey that is long over due for me and I am glad I am on it. I guess I enjoy each step as a women, so far nothing I do not like. It is great
Ted, AKA Erica
It feels Natural and I like the attention when out walking or shopping, howver I am not interested in men. I basically agree with the other letters.
i live full time as a woman, i wont ever go back to what i used to be i am softer, happier, more comfortable with all around me and more comfortable with who i am now. i have been this way since i was about 3 when i wanted to be a girl, my wish came true when my mom bought me all the girly clothes and threw out all the boy stuff , thank you mom.