Being a woman has so many great things to offer. From dressing up and hanging out with friends to expressing emotions freely, there’s a lot to love.
If you’re a crossdresser or a transgender woman, I’m sure you also find femininity and everything that goes with it pretty appealing.
So, I’d like to know, what do you love most about being a woman or expressing your feminine side?
Take my poll and share your thoughts in the comments below!
i love to dress up, and feel sexy. to have a man tell me that he feel like he is talking to a woman is such a turn on.i want to thank you Lucille for all your helping information.i am still working on my breast with your help. hugs- diane.
Pretty easy answer,
I just love me life as a full time woman, and being accepted as one. And your programme is great.
being a woman is exciting , i ordered more bras , and other stuff. i been slow with this program , but ilike what i see out there. slowly mybody is changing to its true identity cant wait , when i reach my full potentail iwill post a picture . more later . gloria
I love being a woman. It’s who I am. Love your site as well!
I love dressing too and make up and wigs and getting all dolled up and strutting my stuff in public. Im married and love other girls and men, wife knows and lets me be me. Its my whole life dressing and being femmine and pretty.
I love the feel of my breasts growing they are soooo sencitive Thank you so much
Just love the way my tits feel when rideing my harley
I am a male of 60 and have loved breasts on women all my life. Now I have small breasts on me (Don’t know about the cup size though)and love the soft feel of them. Yes, it is the breasts that I love about being a woman.
I have nothing against my male identity but sure would love to have nice full breasts on me.And Lucille, Your tips are simply great.