Looking for inspiration and guidance on your MTF journey? Look no further than YouTube!
In this post, I’ve compiled a list of 15 must-watch transgender and crossdressing YouTube channels. From tips and tutorials to personal vlogs, these channels offer some of the best advice and insights out there.
1. Gigi Gorgeous
One of the most popular transgender YouTubers, Gigi Gorgeous has over 2.5 million YouTube subscribers. She’s a transgender activist, author, actress, model and LGBTQ icon.
2. Victoria Rose
Victoria Rose shares helpful and entertaining videos related to lifestyle, beauty, LGBTQ topics, transgender life, and comedy.
3. Mathilda Hogberg
Mathilda Hogberg is a Swedish transgender blogger and content creator. She posts trans related videos, lives, life updates & tips.
4. Yoya Fabulosa
Yoya Fabulosa is a gender queer crossdresser who shares tutorials and vlogs documenting her life as a crossdresser/drag queen.
Dr. Natalia P. Zhikhareva (known as Dr. Z in the transgender community) is a clinical psychologist who shares information to help transgender and nonbinary adults break free of gender dysphoria.
6. Crossdressing Lifestyle
The Crossdressing Lifestyle channel provides quality content on everyday issues within the crossdressing community, including makeovers, reviews, top tips, interviews and insights.
7. Samantha Lux
Samantha Lux is known for her videos documenting her transgender journey, as well as her commentary videos on recent news that concerns the trans community.
8. Maya Henry
Maya Henry is a trans girl based in Toronto, Canada. She shares videos on topics ranging from fashion, to lifestyle, to hormones, and story-times.
9. Nikita Dragun
Nikita Dragun is a YouTuber, make up artist, and model with over 3.25 million YouTube subscribers. She was one of the original YouTube beauty gurus and came out as transgender in 2015.
10. Heidi Phox
Heidi Phox shares videos of the life of a married crossdresser. She also posts thoughts, experiences and photos on her blog site.
11. Princess Joules
Julie Vu is a Canadian content creator, model, makeup artist and transgender activist. Her videos share her transition and life experiences on YouTube.
12. Juliette Noir
Juliette Noir creates videos to openly discuss issues that affect the wider Trans community including some serious stuff and some that’s not-so-serious.
13. Jazz Jennings
Jazz Jennings is a young YouTuber, spokesmodel, television personality, and LGBT rights activist. She shares her life experiences as she tries to create acceptance and equality in the world.
14. Vera Wylde
Vera Wylde is a genderfluid burlesque performer, model, and author. She spent years identifying as a crossdresser and aims to help dressers of all ages as best she can.
15. Alexis Cenn
Alexis Cenn is an up and coming transgender YouTuber who shares videos of her experiences as well as helpful tips videos.
16. Femme Secrets – My YouTube Channel!
Of course, I couldn’t create this list without including my own channel! On the Femme Secrets YouTube channel, I share tips and inspiration to help you enhance your feminine image and confidence!
What are YOUR favorite transgender / crossdressing YouTube Channels?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Please share YOUR favorite transgender / crossdressing YouTube channels below!
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Thanks for our comments.
Please give any resources for transgender concerns.
heidifox et sophie summer sont celle que je suis abonnée toutes deux sont superbe , crossdressinglifestyle et une chaine que je suis depuis avec des conseils mais aussi des rencontres , quand a heidi elle est sympas avec sa femme on les vois partout c’est génial d’avoir une femme qui vous comprend .
I love Maya Henry, she is just so natural and beautiful, too look that good is what I would love.
I actually follow tree transgender channels. They are Maya Henry, a trans woman from Toronto – Victoria Rose, a trans woman from USA – Mathilda Hogberg, a trans woman from Sweden. I also have a special interest with Dr. Z channel. She’s not a transgender person, but a psychological therapist specialized in transgender care. She have a new video every week where she treat a specific issue that transgender peoples may encounter. I really recommend her channel.
Great suggestions, thank you Sarah-Marc!
I thought the world of claire michelle and now all of her vids are gone or private. She is a very talented young lady. I hope she alright.
finding good hair is a world of diffence
i like long hair of about showlder hair dark brown with
highlights just not sure what and straight soft with extra body and wave that will bounce in tune with a nice set EYE,’S [LOL]
MY WIGa SHould be made out of real hair a atach to head and not have to worry it fallowing or postioning ever look like you just threw it on
Is there any hope for a “mature” MTF girl who wants to be female, and even perhaps find a serious male partner in her life?
Another great YouTuber Mathilda hogberg