Expressing your feminine side is about much more than just clothes and makeup. After all, women are a little more complex than that!
That’s why I wanted to go beyond the obvious and explore some unexpected strategies to help you enhance your feminine expression.
In this blog post for crossdressers and transgender women, I share 3 unexpected ways to be more feminine. Read on to learn more!
1. Buy a New Perfume

The right perfume can make you feel irresistibly feminine. While it’s great to have a signature scent, sometimes it helps to switch things up and discover new perfumes to bring out your inner woman.
Here are some suggestions to match your desired vibe:
- Floral scents: Embrace your soft, romantic side with the allure of flowers.
- Fresh or fruity scents: Boost your confidence and energy levels with invigorating notes.
- Woody or oriental scents: Unleash your inner seductress with warm, captivating fragrances.
To learn more, check out my article on MTF Feminization Tips: How to Choose the Perfect Perfume.
2. Be More Polite
Did you know that politeness plays a significant role in enhancing your feminine image?
Countless studies have shown that women tend to excel in the realm of manners, and adopting these social graces can truly elevate your femininity.
Here are three suggestions to keep in mind:
- Embrace the power of “please” and “thank you” – These little words hold huge power in conveying respect and gratitude. Remember to use them often in your daily interactions.
- Soften your language – For example, instead of bluntly saying “I can’t hear you,” opt for a more gentle approach like, “I’m sorry, I can’t quite hear you.” This subtle shift demonstrates empathy and consideration.
- Mind your online presence – Politeness shouldn’t be limited to face-to-face encounters. It’s equally important to be polite when texting, emailing, or engaging in online discussions.
3. Loosen Up
If you’re looking for an instant way to enhance your feminine image, here’s a simple secret: loosen up! This applies to both your body and your mind, and it can work wonders in unleashing your true feminine grace.
First, let’s focus on loosening up your body:
Women naturally possess a graceful, limber quality. If your body feels tense and tight, it can manifest in stiff, jerky movements that lack femininity. Here’s how you can loosen up:
- Consciously relax your body, especially your jaw and shoulders.
- Stretch your muscles on a daily basis.
- Take lots of deep, relaxing breaths.
These simple body-loosening techniques can do more to feminize your movements than all the hip shaking in the world!
Now, let’s shift our focus to loosening up your mind:
The happiest crossdressers and transgender women I know don’t get hung up on “passing” or trying to please everybody. Instead, they embrace who they are while constantly striving to improve themselves.
Life is short, so above all, relax and enjoy the journey!
What are YOUR favorite ways to feel feminine?
As always, I’d love to hear from you on this topic.
What are your favorite – and perhaps unexpected – ways to feel feminine? Please share in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for sharing your dream with me. I too loved it. It has been on my mind the last day and gives me a special feminine feeling. I will be in touch when I have my next dream.
xoxo & love,
Hi ladies,
I posted this comment in the wrong place. I am so sorry. Showing my age.
I don’t think I can go any further than where I’m at today if I wasn’t completely expressing myself as a woman, every movement women do like if let’s say they’re wearing jeans or a dress, you just come out and you dropped your keys, no woman that I seen bending down like a guy does, no matter the outfit and who’s watching you.
I had some errors that I corrected myself before I get comfortable and it becomes a habit. So, presentation is everything, so how you make certain movements, full knowingly women have a feminine sense of a style to their walk so distinctively, and as men we pick that up.
So, as far as movement, stay fresh all day like groin funk, tampons are recommended to use down there to eliminate the funk and dry the sweat, that’s the best idea I have, haven’t found anything that’s fast acting especially when women have that once a month time.
Well this is Samantha, until next time xoxoxo
I relate to your comments x
I love to escape into my girly time.
So I try my best to blend in and enjoy x
My thinking has been to just be myself. I haven’t made much effort to feminize my actions. However, perhaps hormones may naturally effect one’s thinking and with the bodily changes I have had to alter the way I do things because I don’t have strength and I bruise easily. I’ve noticed I’m more emotional and cry at times. It seems that I am a trans woman often in my dreams. It wasn’t like that before. And I am appalled at what idiots men can be! Stupid macho crap. Did I act like that? Probably.
Ive been dressing up since i my mid teens and I just turned 55 on May 5. i dress up when ever the mood strikes me, Im lucky because im very very passable, I had millionaires instantly fall inlove with and offer to take care of me for the rest of my life, ut i love my independence
I can see why girl xx
Love your positive attitude girl love to chat x 4156374917 or jso82787@gmail.com x
I am a gender-nonconforming (gender-confused) (guy?), and what makes me feel feminine is a little perverted, but it makes me feel soooo good. Anyway, I like to moan a little while I do my work at home, as this Coronavirus pandemic confines me there, and it really makes me feel so happy! And my moan is like a girl’s!
Feeling more Feminine. I pluck my eyebrows. Use a lash lengthen product and wear clear mascara all the time. Also a touch of scent on my neck and wrists. And of course completely shaved. DB
Shaving means it’s girly time xx
I love being smooth xx
Me to I love that smooth feeling
Hello well:putting on a below knee dress or midi maxi skirt ,thats whats makes a woman.makes me feel like a woman not slutty mini “skirts” but decent modest WOMANS clothes
Hey girl can be just as sexy in a pencil skirt x
what makes me feel feminine… I have trimmed my eyebrows, I stay clean shaven all over my body, growing my hair long, ears pierced, a Supergirl “S” necklace, 4 rings, nail polish(rosy quartz is my fav),panties, womens jeans(Gloria Vanderbilt Amandas are the best),anklet, toe ring, and pink polish on toes…at home I wear leggings and a sports bra and fall asleep to subliminals on YouTube…and it’s still not enough, i want to be a girl so badly! I’m 55 and now 3 years into this change my wife kicked me to the curb
So sorry girl x
But there are plenty of groups you can get support xx
I like the articles and comments on this site. It is my first time here. Thank you all for sharing. I can relate.
Hi Sierra…Have you noticed any difference from listening to subliminals? What do you think will be needed to “be enough”?
I’ve listened to subs for about 4 years and wrote my own affirmations for positive thoughts. I think they help for self acceptance and a stimulant for acting upon our aspirations. For positive thought affirmations I enjoy listening to the late Louise Hay.
I sure have, I’m pretty sure hypnos have pushed me over the edge. I have started wearing lingerie outside the house for instance, small steps but somehow I feel confident taking them where I hadn’t thought about it before
I am about a month into the subs, and have just noticed that my face surprisingly looks a little more feminine. I think I would like to get rid of the things between my legs and be able to grow breasts and be curvier and wear a little makeup to be prettier, that might be enough