Breasts are a popular topic here on the blog. And no wonder! There’s nothing more feminine than the female bosom.
Obtaining feminine curves, particularly breasts, is a major goal for many transgender women and crossdressers.
While breast forms or padded bras provide a temporary solution, having your own feminine breasts can be a vital step in the male to female journey.
The good news is that there are many ways to reach this goal!
That’s why in this blog post, I offer an overview of the most popular MFT breast enlargement methods, including pros and cons of each. Read on to learn more!
Transgender Hormone Therapy
If you are a trans woman planning a full transition, then gender affirming hormone therapy (also known as transgender hormone replacement therapy or HRT) is the best place to begin your breast enlargement journey.
While hormone therapy can’t undo the effects of puberty, it will cause feminizing changes in the body including changes in hair growth, skin texture, redistribution of body fat, and yes, breast growth.
Breast growth typically begins within 3 months of starting hormones. The breasts experience significant growth in the first 6-12 months. Breast growth typically slows down after that, but the breasts can continue to develop for years.
It’s important to know that your age can significantly impact your results with hormone therapy. Trans women who start hormones at a younger age typically experience more dramatic results than those who start at a later age.
Herbal Pills And Creams
This method can be controversial, and it’s not a replacement for gender affirming hormone therapy for those going through a full transition. That said, herbal pills and creams are used by many early-stage trans women and even crossdressers.
The premise is simple: There are many natural herbs (known as phytoestrogens) that have estrogenic effects, as well as herbs that have anti-androgenic effects.
These herbs have been used by cisgender women for centuries to manage symptoms of PMS, menopause, and other hormonal conditions.
These herbs can also be used to mimic some of the effects of transgender HRT, though obviously the effects will be much weaker.
Personally, I know of many people who have obtained significant breast enlargement using herbal products and were happy with their results. Even so, it’s important to have realistic expectations with this method.
If you’re interested and want to explore this option, I have these recommendations:
- Secrets to Luscious Curves – A free course on natural male to female breast enhancement
- Sublime Bust – A pueraria mirifica-infused breast serum that’s been a bestseller among MTF customers since 2015
Breast Implant Surgery
Hormonal breast enlargement methods, including transgender HRT or phytoestrogenic herbs, can take a lot of time and the results can be somewhat unpredictable.
The most reliable way to obtain the exact breast size and shape you desire is through breast augmentation surgery. This can be a very satisfying surgery if you take the time to find a good doctor and thoroughly research the procedure.
I recommend checking out this guide to breast augmentation to learn more about the surgery. It covers the costs, risks to consider, and differences between the various types of breast implants.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
Did you know that breast implants aren’t the only surgical option for increasing your breast size? Fat transfer breast augmentation uses your body’s own natural fat to increase your breast size.
The advantage of this technique is that the results typically look more natural than breast implants. The downside is that it can only increase the breasts 1-2 cup sizes. You also have to have enough excess fat on your body that can be transferred to the breasts, so this is not a good option for very thin people.
If this MTF breast enlargement method intrigues you, check out this guide to breast fat transfer on RealSelf.com.
Breast Enlargement Pump
Turning our attention back to non-surgical methods, a final option to consider is using a breast enlargement pump.
While this might sound like a gimmick, there is some actual science to back it up. Breast enlargement pumps stimulate breast growth through tissue expansion.
Studies show that applying tension to an area leads to tissue growth. Surgeons use this technique (known as “tissue expansion”) to regenerate skin, bones and other tissues. Applying vacuum pressure to your breasts can also stimulate real growth over the long run.
A medical grade breast enlargement pump called the Brava was developed by plastic surgeon Roger K. Khouri, MD. Currently, the Brava is used by some plastic surgeons to enhance the results of fat transfer to the breasts.
While the Brava is only available through plastic surgeons, there are other breast enlargement pumps on the market.
One popular option is The Noogleberry Breast Enlargement System, which starts at $60. This device is meant to be used for 30 mins to 1 hour per day and can be used alone or to enhance the results of herbs or hormone therapy.
An added bonus of using a breast enlargement pump like the Noogleberry is that it can give you an instant size boost by increasing blood flow to the breasts. This swelling only lasts a few hours, but you can enjoy the results in the meantime!
SPECIAL OFFER: Use coupon code: F2F10 at checkout to save 10% off your purchase at Noogleberry.com.
Warning! Avoid Silicone Breast Injections
Now that we’ve covered 5 options for MTF breast enlargement, let’s talk about one that you absolutely need to avoid and that’s illicit silicone breast injections.
Silicone injections are banned in the U.S. and most countries, however, they are still used in some countries or performed under the table by unqualified injectors.
Injectable silicone is different from FDA-approved silicone breast implants. Silicone implants keep the silicone contained within the breast implant, preventing it from migrating within the body.
Silicone gel injections, on the other hand, can cause serious injury, disfigurement or even death as the silicone migrates. These injections must be avoided at all costs.
Let’s talk about breasts!
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this hot topic.
Have you pursued any of these options for MTF breast enlargement? If so, what was your experience?
Please take my polls and share in the comments below!
hi lucille; still on your flat to fem program lots of massage, working great thanks.
“bill”…You are “Looking Real Sexy” !!! “Paula”
this is wonderfuh,you are realy ultimate genuis in the area of breast enlargement kwwp doing the good job. yusuf
Thank you for the information on breast pumps I have thought about using manual breast feeding pumps as these seem to be the cheapest on the market I did look at the Noogleberry and for me it is very good value for money and matched with your Flat to Fem what more could a girl want
I put up a photo taken a few months ago I have gone from flat to what you see now they are only AA My doctor put me on meds for Reflux and who would know that they give men breasts lol
I have brought you Flat to Fem but have not started the program as yet as the herbs can do the same as the meds that I am on for blood presure so want to talk to doctor I thing if any reader are on meds it would pay to get checked by you doctor and get regular checkup
Lots of hugs
“Robert”…Keep up the good work…You will be filling up your “Sexy Bras” real soon !!! “Paula”
What reflux meds were those? Been trying to find out for a double whammey of getting rid of my reflux and growing breasts.
I have purchased all of your programs prior to this but I haven’t used pumps. As I previously mentioned using the fenugreek extract mixed into lotion helps, therefore I might also try a pump. One of my problems is that In my daily life I Lift heavy objects and use my upper body strength a lot, therefore more chest expansion and less breast growth.
I used this method, breast pumps do work, mostly in combination with herbs or hormones, the only downside I saw was that it created a conic breast on me, after I finally got my implants increasing me from a teenager breast to a full grownup’s breast, my surgeon pointed up that my core had developed in a conic shape so it seems like i have the roundness of the implants and then a small cone on-top of the round part.
Since I got my surgery I stopped the pump, and I stopped the herbs since I started the real hormones.
My breast are slowly getting to be round again and the hormones got me to have a big aureole like herbs couldn’t (in my opinion a big aureole is more feminine than big breasts, since there are small breasted women that even being having small breast their femininity is evident because of the size of the aureoles).
I don’t want to die young of cancer and I do plan to go back to herbs and stop the hormones after my final image is complete.
I don’t need pumps anymore but I am happy I had them when need it, now intend to use the same concept of the pumps in pumping my lips and see if that saves me part of my next surgery.
“Vicky”…You Are “Looking Great”…Good Luck and Keep Up The Good Work !!! “Paula”
Hi Girls,
My name is Maddy and I’ve been working a Natural Breast Enlargement (NBE) Program of my own for a year on 6/15. I did several months of research on both male and female forums and various websites and then developed a dosage regimen and stuck to it.
I am a firm believer in breast exercising, breast massaging (with PM extract in the cream), breast pumping, and oral ingestion of all natural herbs. Similar to others here, I take Fenugreek Seed, Saw Palmetto, Hops, Red Clover Blossoms, Flaxseed Oil, and Pueraria Mirifica every eight hours.
Honestly, I have been using a Noogleberry for right at a year now and I absolutely LOVE IT! To me it’s quite addicting…
I started-out with the medium domes, but quickly had to advance to the large and then X-large domes. For awhile I tried to alternate pumping between the large and the XL domes, but my breasts got too large and cracked the large domes…now I only use the XL’s.
I truly believe that the Noogleberry has been the strongest catalyst for my breast growth over everything else. I try to pump at least twice a day for as long as possible…usually an hour per session.
The only thing that’s a bummer is how the excitement fades when you finish pumping and your breasts are all large and tight and then they deflate back to normal…only they don’t go completely back, they continue to grow.
I agree that the shape of the domes need to be reconfigured to promote better under-growth of the breasts as well as top-growth, but I’m so happy to have been able to throw-away the breast forms (and sometimes bras) and be the natural woman I want to be that it’s not a big issue to me right now.
Good luck to everyone and if you contact Noogleberry tell them that Maddy says “Hi”…happy growing…
I am disappointed in your support of herbs here. I am on a TS hormone group with thousands of members many who post photos and a discussion session on going constantly.
I noticed very early on that the herbal breasts shown usually had a shape more like a carrot than a breast. I am on prescription estradiol. It is bio identical and costs me $29 for a 6 month supply, which I inject once every two weeks.
That requires a doctor, but without a doctor, it was possible to order it on line for maybe four times that much and still I bet that is cheaper than the vegetable based hormones in herbals.
You have lots of good information and ideas, but I don’t think IMHO that this discussion is one of them.
Jeanne, I have been taking the Fenugreek now for nearly 4yrs.
I haven’t been able to take the full dose because of brochial & diabetes.
I’ve got nearly “B” cup, on & off I’ve used also red clover, wild yam cream, saw palmetto
and flax seed. Fenugreek and wild yam are now the main.
I’ve just bought a vacuum pump, so early days yet & some teething problems to sort out.
Do I regret the Fenugreek > no way, I’ve got these nice little knockers and I’m just a
little bit calmer person. If I had known about the herbs years ago, I would’ve been a long
way ahead, to others, if you are young – get going with it!
Hi Jeanne, I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from girls using herbs. I’ll let others chime in about their results. I do believe prescription hormones are superior to herbs, but you need to be under a doctor’s supervision. Herbs are an alternative for people who can’t go that route. I don’t advocate self-prescribing hormones – IMHO it’s too risky.
Thanks for sharing your opinion! It’s good to get all sides of the story.
The results look great!! Will be joining all of you who are using the system to enlarge breasts and nipples. My g/f loves my breasts–have been on HRT for a couple of years now and am a full B or a small C depending on the bra. I do have one question though related to bra sizing. The usual sizing guides don’t seem to work–like the ones that say take a chest measurement under your breasts and then add 5 inches–then take another measurement over the largest projection, subtract the number and take the difference to determine the size. I fill a Bali flower bra C cup–but according to the formula– I am at best an A. Anyone comment on this please?
according to the measurement, my size is 100/A, but 85/D is much more comfortable for my breasts. and I fill it out quite comfortably. I like it if it’s tight for the bust size (doesn’t cut in), but I need D for the cup size.
At VS, they measure at the area above the breast and at the tip of the breasts. Try that area.