Are you ready to unleash your inner woman and discover a whole new world of self-expression?
Crossdressing can help you break free from gender norms and embrace your true self.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 benefits of crossdressing that can transform your life.
There’s a lot to be said for embracing your femininity and all the perks that come with it!
Top 10 Benefits of Crossdressing
1. Embracing both sides
Crossdressing lets you bring out the best of both genders and incorporate them into your own personality.
2. Motivation to look good
When you’re crossdressing, you naturally want to look great, right? That’s why it can inspire you to take better care of yourself, stay in shape, and prioritize self-care.
3. Better understanding of women
Crossdressing helps you see things from a woman’s perspective, which can make you more understanding and empathetic towards them.
4. Finding a community
When you embrace crossdressing, an added bonus is that you can tap into online or local communities. These communities can help you feel accepted and supported.
5. Fidelity and integrity
Now, I hope you’d never cheat on anyone, but there’s an interesting twist here. When YOU are “the other woman,” it can reinforce your commitment to being faithful.
6. Discovering your true self
Crossdressing is an amazing journey of self-discovery. It’s a chance to dig deep and uncover parts of yourself you may not have fully explored.
7. Unleashing your uniqueness
Normal is overrated, right? Crossdressing makes you stand out from the crowd and be an intriguing, fascinating individual.
8. Embracing differences
Crossdressing teaches you to accept and appreciate those who don’t fit into society’s norms. It broadens your perspective, promotes inclusivity, and shows you the beauty of diversity.
9. Stress relief
Crossdressing offers a fantastic and harmless way to relieve stress. It’s like stepping into a different role and enjoying a fulfilling activity that helps you unwind and take care of yourself.
10. Boosting creativity and courage
Crossdressing requires creativity, resourcefulness, and a dose of courage. It’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and embracing the unexpected.
Final Thoughts
I hope you are now convinced that crossdressing can be a healthy and highly beneficial part of your life.
Do you agree with my list or have any other benefits of crossdressing to add? Please share in the comments below!
All 10 points are true and validated by each and everyone of us that live with it everyday. I really don’t understand why there are so many people in the world today that want to voice their negative comments. I grow up in a time that if you didn’t have something nice/good to say, then you were much better off not saying anything at all.
I can only speak of my own experiences with Lucille’s comments and information. I enjoy reading and learning new ways of looking at my own life and hearing about others experience with transition.
I would like to wish you all the very best in your transition to being your true self and living a long and fullfilling life.
“Polonius’s most famous lines are found in Act 1 Scene 3 (“Neither a borrower nor a lender be” ;”To thine own self be true”)” Wiki
As many know, there is much going on still in the sexual revolution in an effort to perhaps, “be ok with being one’s self.” Transgender is one of those words were a lot of people have been lumped into a group called transgender. The good part is that perhaps one day, a person will be able to be themselves no matter who they are as long as they are not hurting anyone, especially themselves.
First, I do applaud Lucille for trying to understand people for who they are and encouraging people to be themselves and letting them know that it is OK to be yourself and putting together a site, where people can be themselves. Sorry, for the long sentence. In an attempt for equal rights, some determined that it should be ok to have three sexual categories for sexual identification. Male, female and a bunch of others that do not seem to fit into the male and female category for whatever reason. With that someone came up with LGBT’s and depending on who you talk to it became GLBT’s which turned into GLBTQ. The T part being transgender is a very wide category ranging from cross dressers for fun and to the other end of the spectrum those that were born of one gender, but in their minds and hearts nothing makes sense to them trying to be a boy, because one was born a boy and really in their hearts they are a girl. The same is true for those born a girl and in their hearts they are really a boy. What is true is that because either was born as they are and internally they are not their birth gender they despise themselves to the point of self destruction, because they are not allowed to be who they really are.
In the discussion about guilt several emotions come to the surface for many reasons (I understand I hate broad generalizations also), but that is what we have when the word “transgender” surfaces. Unfortunately many people have been put in the category of transgender, but the positive of that is to get some recognition of who they really are inside. Many in the transgender group are in transition going from male to female or female to male and it is very serious matter to that group. To that group it is not just about having sex with someone, but about survival. Then again, in the transgender group for some it is all about having more pleasurable sex, but it needs to be ok with everyone that there are many reasons why each fit into the category of being a transgender and as long as it stays that way it is healthy to explore who they are.
In truth however, perhaps instead of “The Top 10 Hidden Benefits of Crossdressing / Being Transgender,” it should be “The Top 10 Hidden Benefits of Crossdressing,” and in a separate but equal conversation it should be “The Top 10 Hidden Benefits of Being Transgender,” as the two perhaps should be considered as different groups with different benefits, but both can be on the same web site as long as there is an understanding for either types of individuals.
Roles over a period of time have changed for males and females. I mean not that very long ago women were not even allowed to be in the military let alone being and officer in the military, as an example and over time hopefully GLBTQ’s will hopefully be recognized as human beings not just for their sexual orientation, but because we all act as human beings, respecting one another and differences, but all having equal value or at least have more value because a person has accomplished something in their lives, hopefully making this planet a better place to live.
I did want to add that making enough money to be able to pay the bills is important thing to do in life. It is difficult at best to have your own business or practice and all that walk that path in life should be congratulated just for doing so and it is even better if one can help others while making a living?
I agree with you. I am not against Lucille and her work. She is very supportive of these communities. I also agree that on this topic two lists probably would have been more appropriate I knew I was a girl stuck in a males body before I turned 10. I am over 50 now. Did not transition til in my 40’s. The suicide rate in the transgender community is still very very high. That is why I made my previous comment about getting into therapy as early as possible. Because in reality, it is all about you. It is about survival. You are not leaving your loved ones, they typically leave you. Because they have no understanding. I do not want to be a downer on this site. But in the last 35 years I have personally known 9 people that have committed suicide. Do you know how it feels when you pick up your phone messages and you hear “Hey Tommi…you said I could call…..” and then find out that was the only call made from the motel room they took their own life in? It’s haunting….for a very long time. Tolerance…Respect….Coexist It just isn’t about religion. Peace to all.
Thanks for caring.Sarah
For some reason, being trangendered makes me feel younger. I have one complaint concerning many of the very helpful hints I have received from you throughout the years. I am 73 years old, have realized that I was transgendered a half century ago, ‘way before we had the internet and the ability to know how many others were out there. My complaint is that there is little help for us older women. How to dress casually and/or stylishly for people our age. There is no way that I can achieve the slim body and clear skin of a woman in her 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Thank you for all that you do.
Hi Lisa,
That is a wonderful point. I will discuss age appropriate style in a future blog post.
Thank you for sharing.
I feel a sense of empowerment when cross-dressed in public,, I somehow feel that even,, I don’t fully pass as female,, (and I don’,),that a certain admiration is felt for me by certain individuals both male and female in the sense of like,,, you go go girl !! for having the courage to go out in public and show the other persona that for me, I kept hidden for many years of my life on, and off.Naturally I try to dress conservatively as my wife is training me on proper etiquette as well as proper dressing techniques ,,,I am lucky to have her,, even if we are in the midst of a marriage annulment ,,she claims our bond will be grater after the annulment as she can truly put 100% effort into training me in my transition and be my best buddy…
Joslin, You are very lucky to have that person as a
partner, a real partner.
Thank you Laurie 🙂 since this comment I posted,, much has changed, and I am not making plans to move to Florida with a transgender family <3 (Hugs)) <3
Hi, in my case i have always felt like a women inside so the dressing has helped me feel more like my real self. i guess i have always been a little worryed about going out that way since i do not want to be miss underdstood or falsly accused of being things i am not. other wise i an certinly not assamed to be dressed as a women at all.Anyway i have friends who under satand so that is good.
Hi!I just wanted to say I think you do a wonderful job for all the TG community…You tackle a lot of the tough problems that confront a lot of what girls go through.I wish you would have been around earlier when I was going through all of this! lol I really do enjoy your perspective on things. BIG HUG & THANK YOU!
I did also want to say you hit the nail on the proverbial head with this one. Those are all excellent points and very noteworthy. I honestly can not think of anything to really add other then I think it’s good for anyone to get out of their comfort zone every now & then. It’s how we learn & grow.How else can you experience new and different things if you don’t ? Keep up the good work Lucille & have a great up coming weekend…Ciao~Jennifer Lynn Styles : )
Thank you so much, Jennifer!
Reality is Lucille’s site is here for her to make money…I am not against her right to do so, but just keep it real.
From what I have heard, Lucille is not trans anything so her window of knowledge is somewhat limited. No Doctor or Therapist or Counselor ANYWHERE can state as FACT what causes Gender Identity Disorder…so how can anyone have the arrogance to purpose a list of the “Hidden Benefits”?
If Gender issues are psychological, then what of your “Hidden Benefits”? Those are choices made by those with a mental condition.
If Gender issues are Biological, then the actions you claim as “Hidden Benefits” are not “Benefits” at all…simply conscious life choices made by those forced to face society as the Gender they are Biologically disposed to be.
So keep it real everyone. If Lucille wants to sell crap to help little Joey play dress up on weekends…then more power to them both, but please don’t try to label the good and bad of the realities of this issue.
For many, this is life or death. Look at the suicide rates for those with Gender conditions, look at the violent acts committed against those gender issues, and look at the pain and suffering facing many who challenge societies position on defined Gender Roles…it is not a list on a website, it is a life long struggle that I would wish on no one.
So for whatever reason a person has the need to dress, act, or live, as a member of the opposite Gender, please everyone do one thing…consider that there is a human being beneath all the clothes, wigs, or make-up. That human being deserves the right to live with the same level of respect and consideration as any other human being. No list can say what is good or bad, the “Hidden Benefits” for that human being…as that human being has no list to live from, only surviving the life they are living.
Lucille misses the mark, a lot, in her writings, but she’s actually doing something. I wouldn’t toss a cent her way; most of what she sells doesn’t apply to what I do. (For the record, I’m a 58-year-old, romantic, genderqueer, bisexual, polyamorous male who regularly crossdresses)
Plain and simple, though, I don’t believe anyone cisgendered is obliged to understand what we transfolk, in all our colours and flavours, have between our ears. We’re different, that’s all, and that’s why some people are attracted to us, and why some people are repelled. I have little patience with the drama-queen personalities who insist it’s All About Them, especially those who insist the government pay for treatment. Gender dysphoria and GID are bullroar.
I just love your very profound and positive message ,, you seem to have a kind soul… i fall right into the middle of your message as I have been lucky to have survived a slew of suicide attempts in the past…. I wish you the best always… <3
The arrogance and crap aren’t coming from Lucille, but from your idiotic rambling which is your,and your opinion alone!
She of course is making money, we don’t need you to explain the obvious, but by all the trans women who visit her site, buy her products, and all positive comments, she’s obviously helping people.Get real yourself!
Give me a break! Arrogance? You’re clearly the arrogant one! Of course Lucille’s making money, but she’s helping a lot of people in so many ways! This list is just her way of identifying the upsides to being transgendered, especially those feeling guilt and shame for whatever reasons, as I once did. You’re speaking for yourself, and if you don’t like Lucille’s approach, then don’t be involved with it! Because she’s a biological woman she can’t understand the issues? Get real and cut the crap yourself! She’s spent years getting to know and help transgender women, so I think she’s qualified. By the comments I read, the vast majority of trans women who have been part of her site agree!