Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s okay to crossdress? Do you feel weighed down by society’s judgment and expectations?
Well, it’s time to shed that weight and liberate yourself! Let’s talk about why crossdressing is absolutely okay, and why you should embrace it without any guilt.
1. Self-Expression Matters
As humans, expressing ourselves is a basic core need.
Crossdressing is just one way to showcase your personality, tastes, and preferences through clothing. It’s an ideal outlet for creativity and individuality.
2. Fashion Has No Gender
Who says certain clothes are meant only for specific genders?
Clothes don’t have an inherent gender; they are pieces of fabric that can be enjoyed by anyone. So, wear what makes you feel confident and fabulous!
3. Breaking Free from Gender Norms
Crossdressing challenges outdated gender norms. It’s time to break free from rigid ideas of what’s “appropriate” to wear.
Crossdressing allows you to take a stand against society’s expectations and encourages others to do the same.
4. It’s Not Harmful
Let’s be clear – crossdressing is harmless. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, there’s no reason to feel bad about it.
Feeling guilty about expressing yourself through clothing is unnecessary and unproductive.
In conclusion
Being true to yourself is a beautiful thing, and it sets an example for others to do the same.
So, let go of the guilt, and embrace your fabulous, feminine side!
Now I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Do you ever feel guilty about crossdressing? If you’ve overcome feelings of guilt, how did you do so?
Please take my poll and leave me your comments below!
Hi ,I was very ashamed for many years as I really thought I was the only one or at least one of very few ,Even when I found the internet all I could find was porn ,Later when I found a dressing helper (Phoebe) in the Atlanta area She helped me understand that it was nothing to be ashamed about and took me out for lunch while dressed 4 times and the first couple I was sure every one was looking at me and as I know now not many people have time for anybody else as they have enough on their minds with their stuff ,after I moved to San Diego I found a group called Neutral corner that has meetings and I found a couple of on line groups that are support groups and we talk on line about our lives and things that we have in common ,One of the groups is called the TG woman and it is the one I like best ,I now go out very often and I never seem to have a problem and I meet with some of the girls from time to time also your Webb site has helped me so much ,Thank you for being here ,Robinette
I do not feel guilty about being trans feeling feminine makes me happy it is so wonderful to be feminine, but, I do feel frightened and some times embarrassed on how society looks upon me!
Guilty, probably not the right word. I enjoy dressing but society frowns on cross dressing men. As you said women can wear anything they want, shop any department in any store, no one cares. If a man lingers a little too long on the panty isle he is suspicious or worse.
For a long time I felt guilty but several years ago I came to the realization that I love crossdressing so much I wouldn’t change it if I could. That’s when the giult stopped and I began to look at CDing as a gift and not a curse. Coming out to my wife and her acceptance were also big milestones. Not having to worry about getting found out allows me to relax and be myself while dressed. Being dressed feels so natural I wish I could stay my femme self forever. My wife took me shopping last weekend and I bought some cute pants and tops plus a couple of dresses. Our shopping trips are so special. Whether we are shopping for clothes or makeup or anything feminine it is so much fun and so rewarding.
Coming out to my wife and her acceptance are the best things that ever happened to me. If you are able to do the same I strongly advise it but you have to do what’s right for you. there are no one size fits all solutions.
No I don’t feel Guilty
Everyone in MY community / neighborhood knows about me
We socialize every now and then and I wear my shirt and blouse or
My one piece swimsuit and shorts
I get my nails done enfemme. Go food shopping enfemme
I don’t force myself on anyone and DONT CARE what they really think
Thanks for listening
Oh Tabathia i am so happy for u there is nothing like being all girly
dear Lucille Yes I have strong feelings about who or what I am.I have never felt good enough about myself to leave my house in drag because I have never felt that I would pass as a female.Ever since I was a little child ,and would dress in my mothers cloaths I would feel so good dressed as a little girl that I wished that I shoudhave been born a girl and I have beenplagued with these feelings through my life.Lucille Iam not going to give up on my dream,and just having you to talk to might just be the crutch I will need to make my dream come true..I will love you forever Stephen(
I am not feeling guilty being Transgender, but I like man now.
wiithout I would lose everything in the town I live in people are treated like dirt just for not having money are not having enough money so what would they do to a person like so I find my solace being in the shadows but it is what it is, it’s unaware the inner strange whispers, say one thing in your front of you then send another behind your back said but I’ve taken some ear tips and use them as they may feel a little better but I truly don’t think I’ll ever come out I can afford the risk and I’m too old to change so I will be who I am or not unfortunately the I won’t be you I really it’s easy for people to say do this do that without being there without really being there, camaraderie is an illusion on the Internet a figment of people’s imagination unfortunately everybody sees me only sees the illusionnot the true me ironically an old girlfriend was the one who helped me find myself I thank her for the and I thank you for your time