Choosing the right words to describe your gender identity can feel tricky. For transgender and non-binary people, finding a label that fits is personal and important.
Using respectful language matters. Outdated or offensive terms can hurt, so it’s okay to set boundaries about how others address you.
At the same time, you are more than a label. What matters most is how you choose to define yourself, no matter where you are on the gender spectrum.
Do you have a label that feels right – like crossdresser, transgender woman, non-binary, or something else?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
I always refer to myself as transgendered,mainly because I have a male and female side to my brain.
Hmmm…that’s a hard one. I usually identify as transexual or transwoman, but after reading some of the previous responses, I may need to re-think that.
Hello Ladies
I agree with Lindsey and Diana
we deserve Respect we have quality in us and if have faith that we are women we are women just like in the bible the when before David became King He had faith in himself he can kill Goliath not just with a stone but he had faith Sorry ladies to use the Bible but as an example to Just like The bible say AS AN A MAN THINKETH IN HIS HEART HE IS. So ladies if we can walk on water we can have faith in our selves THAT WE ARE No matter what the other says.
I really do not like labels, I have thought of myself as female since 4 or 5 years old….So that is what I present myself as is female….the GRS is cosmetic,as with other surguries… the mind is what is female or male..
It is that simple.
All lables given me are the images of those who harbor them.
Sad commentary; lables deny the holders of hanging out with a really neat person… ME.
Finally, it is not how you see me; it is all about how I see me, and that is all that really counts in my life and living.
I think I am still struggling a bit with my self image as a woman. At this point I see my self as a trans-woman. Mostly I feel it simply is my own perspective because some of the people I know tell me they can’t even imagine me as a man anymore and struggle to remember me that way!
Another part of this is I have no intention on turning my back on the previous years in my life, so there will always be a male part of my history. I suppose that will in itself label me as a trans-woman for many, but it is part of what makes me who I am today and I ahve 3 loveley children that I couold never think about leaving behind.
Just my thoughts. 🙂
Excellent question, and lucky me having chanced upon it in the mail! Now, this might turn into an essay, but here goes:
First and foremost, I’ve only been “Crosdressing” since September – and that’s a term I hate used on myself. For a TG girl, I feel that the terms encompassing “Crosdresser” cheapen not only the person and their identity, but their very way of life as a whole. Naturally, this subject is one that tends to stir up fierce convictions within me.
I will go on to say though, that I have no issue with that someone wishes to call themselves or identify as – Crossdresser, Drag Queen; you name it! What I -will- say, is that the only term I find offensive — used against me, a friend or in general — is the term “Tranny.” That is a phrase I’ve come to hate with such passion… so degrading.
I’ve had a hard time categorizing myself into any certain “label” since I was a child… but… now, since I’ve finally discovered so much about myself and who I really feel that I am, I will wear the brand “Woman”, “Girl”, “Chica” or anything of the like with pride! Though, I am also comfortable enough to admit that I -do- have a Y chromosome, and who I lived as for 21 years can’t be ignored… as such, I feel comfortable presenting myself as a man or woman, though only feel justified as the latter. Sorta got a “Two souls one body” thing going on… which used to get really confusing!
But I digress; I’m one of those that consider myself a female on the inside, just trying to make the outside match :3
And for all you other girls out there stuck in transition; Labels be damned! You can figure out what to call yourself later! Just enjoy who you are right now and never waver in your beliefs, not even if a loved one stands in the way. In the end, no one elses’ opinion about it matters, and it’s about what -you- would call yourself, not anyone else. So keep on, sisters! Show the rest of us your mettle, and wear whatever sign you wish above your head with pride ^-^
I consider myself transgendered. I was born a man and choose to move forward toward living a life as a woman.