Choosing the right words to describe your gender identity can feel tricky. For transgender and non-binary people, finding a label that fits is personal and important.
Using respectful language matters. Outdated or offensive terms can hurt, so it’s okay to set boundaries about how others address you.
At the same time, you are more than a label. What matters most is how you choose to define yourself, no matter where you are on the gender spectrum.
Do you have a label that feels right – like crossdresser, transgender woman, non-binary, or something else?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!
I am a woman. I am transgendered to help those that need medical or psychological labels, but regardless, I am a woman.
I don’t particularly like any of the labels applied to our broad community of individuals and leave it up to the individual to tell me what they are if they want me to know anything more than their female self. ‘Its silly how far we go to separate and segregate ourselves within our community.
I prefer transgender wemon, transwoman, or T-girl. In my mind there is no such thing as a crossdresser because I dress for who I am not for what other people want too be and transvestite seems to be a slur
I am a Hermaphroodite…
I have been 11/5 weeks pregnant without a male influence, or medicine.
I have made pregnant decades ago.
I am one of the rare humans totally ignored or ridiculed by most societies, cultures and especially religions.
while the fact is dat 1.6% of all humans is a full and fertile (male, or Female, or Male and female organs) Hernaphrodite.
The world had chosen that I had to be male, enforced as a 30 minute old baby that my vagina had to be closed, that my puberty had to be male, that I had to swallow lots of masculinity inducing chemicals within my body, that others had the right to discriminate, insult, threaten,punish, rape or even enforced me NOT to be allowed pregnancy…because some 2000 year old, often wrongly translated, and heavily censored, and adapted to ruling forces book said there are only men or women.
Don’t get me wrong…I have nothing against Faith…but religion is made by humanity (especially men) in order to control others.
If there is indeed a god he (or she, or it, or other) did create all of use for a reason.
They say even Adam was a hermaphrodite, for of his blood (and not rib—this is the wrong translation) was borne Eve.
And Maria received Jezus without contraception, she could wel easily be the same.
I stopped trying to be what the world wanted me to b when my health became seriously threatened due the chemical intake all those decades. And I even had to swallow some more to get rid of it.
Now I am Healthy, with the scars on me,…masculine treats I totally dislike, yet still… (hence I come here trying to embrace my feminim side again)…
I am a Hermaphrodite, …and damn proud of it.
Be proud of what you are…
The world is NOT black and White, or Good and Evil, the world is colorful, and even you belong within it.
As do I… 😉
Your story made me cry. Hang in there. Love
So sorry for your problems, so proud of your choices. I hope the world can embrace you for you!! Love ya hon!!!
as my therapist once told me, it breaks down this way….a crossdresser is someone who dresses in the clothing of the opposite gender of their birth for stress relief and not because they want to be the opposite gender….a transvestite is someone who dresses in the clothing of the opposite gender of their birth to see what they would look like as the opposite gender of their birth to help them decide if they want to take the next step……a transsexual is someone who has decided to begin transition and either is or has taken hormones and begun the treatments needed for the next step……a transgender is someone who has taken that final step and is now the opposite gender of their birth. personally, I consider myself a transsexual, or t-girl. having said that, i’d also like to say, I hate labels. they are to confining. why can’t I be just a woman?
I prefer none of those labels, but if I had to choose I would go with crossdresser. I disagree with the comment that crossdresser is a more vulgar or common term, but I do agree that in my opinion about the term transvestite that those girls may by virtue of their bodies and facial features be able to pass better than a less fortunate person like me who still wants to look pretty and to pass but has trouble doing so.
When I crossdress, and even when I don’t I still feel my inner femininity and desire to look my best.
If i had to put a label on myself it would be cross dresser because I am not a full time lady or have made any significant alterations to my overall appearance to consider me a transwoman. When I am in public i expect to be addressed and a female.
What matters most is that I’m a woman. But I’m okay with the label of trans woman as long as it’s used in a repectful manner. I’m comfortable with who I am and proud to be transgender. I believe there’s a strength and wisdom that come from the transgender experience. The guilt and shame that so many of us have experienced is based on society’s ignorance and if I can rise up and show the world that I’m a happy, successful, well-adjusted human being, maybe it will change the stereotype in a few people’s minds. I think we fight ignorance by showing ourselves as the amazing people we are, rather than hiding.
I was having a conversation with my coworkers (who don’t know Kristina) about the new Facebook gender options launched a few months back. They were laughing about how many options their were- Not in a mean way though. It is kinda crazy how many terms there are. I think Facebook fineally got it right last week when they added the “other” box to allow you to determine.
The funniest part about the conversation at work for me was the fact that of the 50 or so options, my self proclaimed “label” does not fit. I call myself “mildly transgendered” because I’m pretty much 100% all male or all female. I don’t half dress or just wear panties. For me, the whole transformation is the point and in my crazy head, I become a totally different person when dressed.
I’m sure the fact that I use “transgender” in my label when I’m clearly a “crossdresser” annoys some people but I think we as a community worry far to much about what terms people use. Doctors can’t get annoyed with patients for not knowing medical jargon. We shouldn’t get mad at people for calling us any term until we correct them and they still call you the wrong thing. So if someone calls you a drag queen, simply correct them about your proper name and move on. I’ve corected people many times who were simply uninformed. Not because of a lack of understanding or acceptance just simply ignorant to the jargon that is second nature to anyone who loves this life.
That’s my 2¢ 🙂