Have you noticed that all stunning women have one thing in common – besides their killer looks? It’s CONFIDENCE.
Confidence is also half the battle of passing or blending in as a woman. That’s why the best MTF advice I can give you is to develop your confidence!
Of course, I understand that it’s easier said than done. That’s why in this blog post, I share 3 ways to feel more confident as a crossdresser or transgender woman – starting right now!
1. Stop Criticizing Yourself
How can you expect to feel confident if you constantly put yourself down?
Most of us are so used to criticizing ourselves that we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It’s a bad habit – but like all bad habits, it can be broken.
The first step to stopping the cycle is to interrupt your thoughts. If you catch yourself beating yourself up, literally tell yourself to STOP.
Next, find a way to reframe your thoughts into something more positive. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can with what you have. Look for progress rather than perfection.
This might sound like simple advice, but it works if you actually do it.
2. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Confidence is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. And just like your muscles, it’s something you can develop and improve.
One of the best ways to develop confidence is to take action. You’ll never build confidence if you stay in your comfort zone and do the same things you’ve always done.
So get out there and try something new! Take a few risks! For example, step out with painted toenails, book a makeup lesson, or join a crossdressing or transgender Meetup.
Once you do, you’ll be amazed at how confident you start to feel in situations that once terrified you.
3. Celebrate Your Successes
Appreciating your accomplishments is another great way to increase your confidence.
It’s easy to focus on the areas that still need improving, but don’t lose sight of how far you’ve come.
What risks did you take today? What did you do well? No matter how small, start to recognize these and celebrate them.
More confidence boosters
Confidence is one of the most important feminine qualities you can develop. These tips are a great starting point.
If you want to learn more, here are my favorite books for building confidence:
- Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson
- Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers
- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Now let’s hear from you…
Where do YOU fall on the confidence scale? If you consider yourself a stunning, self-assured woman (and I hope you do!), what confidence boosting tips can you share?
Please leave your comments below!
P.S. One of my favorite confidence boosting tools is hypnosis. Want to try it for yourself?
Click here to sign up for my FREE 8 minute Unleash Your Inner Woman hypnosis mini session.
Thank you – thank you- thank you – for the link to the book ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’, by Susan Jeffers. This is just the positive, life-affirming book I’ve been looking for. This will help anyone to have the courage to believe in themselves and take the next step in their journey.
xx Danielle.
I’ve continued to have self-esteem issues though I have been personally successful in my endeavors. Taking one step at a time has gotten me much results, however, my confidence in who I am and my ability has been terribly lacking. People tell me that I appear and sound confident but I know I tend to hold back in many areas of my life. I’ve gone to counseling, support groups, do affirmations, read and listen to self help presentations and still have deep seated self-esteem and confidence issues. Not long ago self-acceptance was a big issue to me. A continuing work in progress I suppose.
There shoud be some quick fixes for those issues .
That would be great. Growing up in an abusive, dysfunctional family can have long term effects.
Hey, you look great! I am sure no one will think you as a transgender, but rather they will think that you are a cisgender female.
Thank you, Sanvi for your compliment and encouragement!
Rebel i think so ,, especially if your husband a little bossy .
Now i have a lot of confidence thank allah ..
Thank you for an amazing site
Hi ladies – I need your advice. I’ve been invited to a super end of the summer party at a friends of mine. I tried on this dress at Macy’s today. What do you think? I’m 73, is it appropriate for me to wear something like this? I love it (and it’s pretty expensive)! Thanks for any feedback, hugs, Suzy
Hi Suzy.you look really good in that dress.who cares about age?
Hi Suzy, I’m so happy that you did buy the dress and had such wonderful time at the party!! You make the dress look perfect, and I’m sure your friends noticed how beautiful you looked. Returning hugs, bobbie
Looks like you were planning for an end of summer party, so I saw your post too late. But you look fabulous in that dress. I think it’s a beautiful look for you, and I hope you did buy it and show it off to your friends at the party
Hi Bobbie – thanks for the complement! I did buy the dress and had a blast at the party! Hugs, Suzy
Wow! You look great. I hope you bought the dress and had fun at the party. Laura
Hi Laura – thanks so much for the complement! I had a great time at the party in that dress! Got lots of compliments!
Hi, Girls
I really loved all your posts. Inspiring. Good to see how far so many of you have come! I’ve been full time for quite a few years now, and don’t give a whole lot of thought to it anymore. That’s relaxing, after all those times of fear and nervousness. I liked one of Lucille’s blog statements on this subject so much, I can’t resist repeating it here: “Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can with what you have. Look for progress rather than perfection.”
So, I recognized a bit of a trap to that confidence: You can take yourself for granted so much that you can forget to keep the image well reinforced, get sloppy, let your posture, voice, mannerisms and all get less than the best of womanly. I still have to remember to keep my knees together.
Anyway, I’m proud to read that you are continuing to become what you really are.
Love, Joan