Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
Hi- I chose Veronica because it’s not a name you see often, it’s very feminine like me and includes a portion of my given name.
Thanks, Veronica
Chose Donna because I thought it was a sweet Female name. And the first time a man said my femme name in the heat of passion my heart soared.
My girlfriend years ago named me Ashli. I loved the unique spelling of it and have kept it over all of these years.
I have a mentor, Shyla, a Hooker in Orlando. Shyla had me put on a dress that had come back from the dry cleaners so that my wife would not be able to smell Shyla on me. I mentioned that I had dressed years before but had to give it up. Shyla volunteered to house any clothes, heels, wigs, I bought if I wanted to pick up the lifestyle again. SOLD !!!
$5000 later and with lots of clothes, I journeyed back to Orlando from Ocala the day after my wife left for her annual jaunt to another state 600 miles away to get my clothes and for Shyla to make me up.
I looked amazing. It was then that I said, I need a girly name and she chose Rhonda Sheer. My birth name is Robin and later I was thinking of changing it to that but Shyla protested and since she was so swell about donating her time to going with me to buy make up and then making me up and teaching me the art of layering, I decided to keep my “pen name”.
This is the original picture taken of the “Birth” of Rhonda Sheer !
I knew I wanted my female name to begin with the letter K because it’s the most feminine letter so I chose Kylie because it’s ultra girly but practical and Renee in honor of my sister
I was previously named Krystyna (you sent newsletters). As sometimes happens I decided to stop my feminine life. As we all know it is impossible to stop. So I re-built my closet. Starting over, I decided a new name was necessary. After going over many names I selected TIFFANY.
To me it was sexy and sophisticated. TIFFANY is the new me. Could not live without the sexy skin feel on hosiery, the fantastic feeling of wearing bras again (and showing off my breasts) and the fantastic feel on the legs and entire body when walking in 4 inch stilettos. XXX TIFFANY
I wish I had some grand story, I asked my mum once if I had been born a girl what she’d call me and it was between ‘Mary’ and ‘Sandra’ (I think, my parents at that time were pretty biblical cause boy names were Matthew and Peter >.<) Neither of which I liked, later I started calling myself 'Mira' as it was a word I just kinda knew and felt right, found out later its latin for 'Myth' or 'Legend' and I've been leaving my mark ever since lol
I know the contest is over, but just wanna share.
” T.J.” ARE MY INITIALS! & How I sign my name. Many folks call me “Dr. B”,as well.
At 71 yo, not getting to crazy about the ” name “. I like mine. ..
Enjoy being You!