Your name is a powerful part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a trans woman or crossdresser, you have the unique opportunity to choose a name that reflects who you truly are.
Every great MTF name has a story behind it, and I’d love to hear yours!
How did you choose your feminine name?
Please share your story in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it!
Are you still searching for the perfect feminine name?
Download my free guide, 150 Female Names for Your Feminine MTF Transformation, to get inspiration for transformation.
Already have a name you love? Use this guide to discover its meaning or find the perfect middle name to complete your identity.
I chose Kellylee as a transitional name. I was going to change my identity all together. First to Kelly Lee Smith, then later join then to Kellylee. Decided to stay married and help raise my kids. I was more of a mother to them at times than my now ex-wife.
I know this is too late for the contest but wanted to share anyway.
I was to be Mom’s 2nd and last child in 1940 as she was around 40 years old.
She told everyone I would be her baby girl (my brother was born in 1934) named Roberta.
When her little “girl” arrived as a male she dropped the “a” and I was named Robert.
I never used a femme name until the internet sites started requiring them and I decided to honor her little girl wish by naming my femme self, “Berta”.
That’s my story!
When I was a little boy I loved the TV show Bewitched. When they had thier little girl named Tabitha, oh how I wanted to be her. I picked that name when I was about 6.
i am transgender female. only came out few years ago. i picked the name danni in one tv show called life where the character was a cop who was danni reese.
i have other names i do like
I first chose the ñame Mishael as a variant of Michael. Mandelina came along as a lark. Eventually it morphed into Mandelina Mishael or online as Mandi or Misha.
Being Asian I chose Akira, as it is a neutral Japanese name it can be used as female or male. It makes it easier for me as I do not need to change it when I am either female or when I have to be male. It is also a family name so it has history for me.
I’ve had two feminine names. The first one was Betsey. There was a girl named Betsey in school who I had a mad crush on, I used her name in my fantasies, when I began crossdressing
I stopped crossdressing for quite awhile, when I was married and after getting divorced, I began crossdressing again.
This time I used the name Janine. It’s a fictitious name that I had always liked
I’ve been using it for years and still like it
I had used around 5 diff names since 1996, even ones that friends suggested but they didn’t feel right to me. I was a ‘Michelle’ for the longest of prior names and many people in the neighborhood only knew me by that name. Then I moved about 700 miles from there and felt I needed a new name. I pondered other names in my head for months. Then I searched the Internet for rare feminine names. I can across Meran. It’s spelled different than others that are pronounced the same. I also learned that in Europe and the middle east, it’s a name used by male and female.
While my name is Daniel I simply just chose Danielle and I do also like Cassidy then again sissy Susan comes to mind while I always knew I was Male I knew from an early age I believe I was born into the wrong sexuality while I’m who I am I never pursued full transformation but still like to dress up only behind closed doors think I could not ever go out in public at my age