Your name is an important part of your feminine identity.
Some names feel sweet and innocent, others are classic and elegant, and some carry an exotic or mysterious vibe.
As a crossdresser or trans woman, you have the unique privilege of choosing your own female name—a name that truly reflects who you are.
For many of you, there’s a special story behind your chosen name.
So, I’d love to know: What’s the meaning behind your feminine name?
Share your name and the story of how you chose it in the comments below.
I can’t wait to hear your story!
My name femmikiran I couldn’t find anything more girly that my name itself says I am want to and will be feminine 🙂 love
gave my self the name,believe it says,classy,sensuous,and a soft caring woman,who wants to help others achieve their dreams of getting out as there feminine self
I was the youngest of 3 boys in our family and my mother always wanted a girl. My name
given to me was Kris so I now go by Kristine in which I pray my mother would have liked and
probably named me that. I wish I could have asked her what name she would have chosen if
I was born female and that would be the name I would go with in honor of my mother.
My parents are no longer here which I never had a chance to tell them about me and hope
they would still be proud of me. I would have given anything to do things as mother/daughter.
I had a hard time thinking of a name for a long time, but I started thinking of who my greatest friends and crushes were throughout my 22 years on this planet. I wanted something similar to my male name (Jared) so I could respond quickly. One of my friends from college is Jeannette, and a girl I liked in fourth grade was Janelle. I haven’t talked to Janelle since then, so this seemed like a better option for me. The middle name Dawn is the one that would have been given me if I were born a girl, but I really liked it. I’d want the necklace to just read Janelle.
My boy name is Stephen, spelled with a “ph” not a “v”… so it was a natural choice for me. That way I still retain a link to my boy self even as Stephanie and vice versa I retain a link to my girl self as Stephen.
I was given the name Lynn by a friend who thought it was easier to say than Lynda and of course since it has a ring to it ie. Lynn From Bklyn.
Hi Lucille,
My name comes from the obvious feminine version of my name from birth. So Stephanie is who I truly am inside and sometimes outside too. Hopefully someday soon I will finally know true freedom and be able to live 24/7!
Thank you so much for everything you do to support the TG community! It is truly appreciated!!!
When I was in 12th. grade,I was disturbed by the fact that lot of the girls were turb]ned for medical school just because they were woman which greatly angered me so I wrote my 12th.grade theme on how much women and men had in commen. After my theme was read the guys started calling Stephania after my middle name Steven,so after I decided to crossdress after my time in service,I decided to use my femme name of Stephania.