Your mannerisms and body language are a big part of your female image. In fact, they count for over 50% of the impression you make on people!
If you’re a crossdresser or transgender woman, you might be looking for ways to improve your MTF feminine mannerisms.
The good news is that improving your body language can be achieved by mastering a few simple dos and don’ts.
In this blog post, I share 5 dos and don’ts for developing attractive, feminine mannerisms and body language. Read on to learn more!
1. DO Work The S-curve
Curves are a classic feminine feature. Beyond a bubbly booty and ample bosom, you can use your posture to enhance the curves of your body. Create an S-curve by putting your weight on one leg and pushing your hip out.
Contrast this to a more masculine posture where the weight is evenly distributed between both legs. This creates a more square and angular silhouette.
Here are some tips for working the S-curve:
- DO keep your weight on one side of your body instead of centered.
- DON’T exaggerate this posture. It should look natural.
- DO work the s-curve when you’re seated by crossing your legs or sitting with your weight on one hip.
2. DON’T Take Up Too Much Space
A wide, open body position is considered a “power pose.” That’s why you often see men spread their legs and lean forward at the shoulders. They’re essentially puffing themselves up to look larger than they are.
On the other hand, a more closed position will make you look more feminine and elegant. It also makes you appear physically smaller.
You already know that a lady keeps her knees together. But beyond that, you should keep your elbows in and avoid taking up too much space with your limbs. (By keeping your feet tucked close to your chair, for example.)
Here are some additional tips:
- DON’T slouch in an attempt to appear shorter or smaller.
- DO stand and sit with lifted posture. Think “tall” instead of “wide” with your body posture.
3. DO Mind Your Gestures
Gestures are an important part of body language. Women tend to be more expressive with their gestures than men. Next time you’re out, notice the way women use their hands and bodies to express ideas when they talk.
To master fluid, feminine gestures:
- DON’T make jerky or clumsy movements. Keep your elbows tucked in and don’t move too quickly. Practice making slow, smooth movements in front of a mirror.
- DON’T overdo your gestures. Observe women to get an idea of the correct balance.
- DON’T fidget. Avoid nervous movements like twirling your hair, shaking your leg, or tapping your fingers.
4. DON’T Forget Your Facial Expressions
The expressions you make say as much as the words that come out of your mouth. If you’re feeling nervous, it’s easy for this to be reflected on your face. On the other hand, a pleasant facial expression puts people at ease and helps you get the respect and acceptance you deserve.
Tips to keep in mind:
- DON’T wear a stoic expression. What feels “neutral” to you may come across as grumpy to others. (AKA “resting bitch face.”)
- DO put on a pleasant face. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up slightly. This also serves as a natural facelift!
5. DO Make Alluring Eye Contact
Eye contact is a major way to gauge a person’s personality. People who don’t make eye contact appear insecure or as if they’re hiding something. People who look you in the eye appear confident and sincere.
Here’s how to use eye contact to make a feminine impression:
- DON’T avoid people’s eyes. Be proud of who you are and look people in the eye.
- DO make eye contact and hold it for a second or two. (But not too long unless you want people to think you are trying to seduce or intimidate them!)
Introducing The Art of Feminine Body Language
Is your body language telling the world that you’re a fabulous female?
If not, The Art of Feminine Body Language can help! This quick course is designed to help you move, stand, and express yourself with feminine grace.
Inside this 4-part bundle, you’ll discover the secrets of posture, gestures, movements, and facial expressions – so you can look and feel more feminine, whether you’re out in public or just practicing at home.
Even 1 simple littlest tip whenever you get one adds to your finest quality of being the best you can be of being a female. Thank You Lucille for all your tips. I have had so many compliments on how I look and act as a female.
Love the simple illustrations,love you blogs x
girl we need to meet up a linda of nz
I would like to THANK-YOU very much for taking your time helping in these matters!!! My ? is in #2 straight one in the male, very from #3 weight neutral in the female?
That’s a good question, Celine. I can see how the woman in #3 looks similar to the guy in #2. You won’t always be able to create an S-curve with your body since the body is always in motion and there are times when it won’t be practical or possible to keep your weight on one leg. I wanted to demonstrate what neutral weight balance looks like compared to leaning forward at the shoulders. But if you look closely, it looks like the woman in #3 has more weight on her right leg because she is pushing her right hip out a bit.
Thank You so much for your lesson,tips,and suggestions. i definitely need them and love them.
thank You Lucille,
Gracias, Stephy! El gusto es mio!
Dear Lucille, As usual your advice is right on. I have an advantage alot of girls do not have. My wife has been my coach for all of our married life. She supports me100%. I am dressed most of the time. One of the first things worked with me on was posture and deportment. She harped on keeping my elbows in among other things. Thanks to her, when I am in male mode she has to remind me to quit acting so feminine. LOL
Thanks again Lucille. As always you are right on with the helpful advice. Everyone must practice what YOU preach until it becomes 2nd nature. Luv, Susan H
Hi Lucile
You are wonderful and thanks very very much for your help and advice. And also reminding us always on what to do and what not to do.
Ahh, Lucille, you are so right on! There is SUCH a difference between male and female postures and moves. It’s fascinating to catch a femme characteristic not well noted before, and try to emulate it. Gotta watch overdoing it, however… I think that’s the trick though: observe and copy. It helps to watch videos of yerself too, even though they can be SO hard on the ego… thank you scads for all your help – Joan