You are never too young or too old to be your best female self. But what does that mean when it comes to dressing age appropriately as a transgender woman or crossdresser?
We’ve all seen older women dressed like teenagers… and the attention they attract usually isn’t positive.
Does that mean you have to dress like an old frump after a certain age? Absolutely not!
I believe most of the “dress for your age” rules are silly and outdated… That said, there ARE some guidelines worth keeping in mind.
In this blog post, I share tips on how to look classy and feminine at every age.
Your 20s or Younger
20s: Transgender style inspiration
20s: Transgender style tips
- Your 20s are a time to play with trends and be adventurous. You’re still discovering your style, so take risks and have fun!
- You’re not a kid anymore, so avoid adolescent details like glitter, rhinestones, or cartoony prints.
- You can get away with short skirts and body-baring styles, but be careful not to cross the line from sexy to slutty. Good taste is a fashion DO at any age.
Your 30s
30s: Transgender style inspiration
30s: Transgender style tips
- Your 30s are the time to start adding a touch of sophistication to your look.
- You can still have fun, but it’s time to uplevel your look by dressing less casually than you did in your 20s.
- This is the perfect time to start building a wardrobe of classics while continuing to play with trendy items.
Your 40s
40s: Transgender style inspiration
40s: Transgender style tips
- This is the age to start thinking about dressing in more tailored styles. Consider classic, clean shapes in bold colors or prints for added impact.
- Go for simplicity rather than complicated details. From now on, your look should be clean, classy and sophisticated.
- There’s no reason to turn down your sex appeal once you hit 40. But instead of baring it all, show off one part of your body and keep the rest covered.
Your 50s
50s: Transgender style inspiration
50s: Transgender style tips
- Now’s the time to start highlighting your face instead of your body. (Though if you have a body like Candis Cayne, throw this rule out the window!)
- It’s especially important to wear clothes that fit well. Choose tailored styles that skim your body instead of clinging.
- As you get older, your clothes should get simpler. But simple doesn’t have to mean boring! Accessorize with bold jewelry, gorgeous bags, and great shoes.
Your 60s and Beyond
60s+: Transgender style inspiration
60s+: Transgender style tips
- By now you know yourself well and are past trying to look like a 30-year-old.
- Much like a woman in her 50s, it’s best to stick to the classics, with lots of interesting jewelry and other accessories to liven up your face and wardrobe.
- Invest in good quality shoes, handbags, and jewelry so you can enjoy them through this decade and beyond.
- No matter how far past 60 you are, you NEVER have to dress in frumpy old lady clothes!
NOW is the Perfect Time to Be Your Best Female Self!
The most important thing to know is that you can look beautiful and feminine at any age. NOW is the perfect time to be your best female self, so let’s celebrate your journey!
On that note, I’d love to hear from you…
Which decade are you in and what do you LOVE most about being your current age?
Please take my poll and share in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will LOVE my free 3-part Male to Female Makeover Course.
I hope you don’t me joining in but i’m at moment just wearing tights and a bra underneath my male clothes but would to be a crossdresser 1 day , at the moment I have plenty of tights 5 bra’s 3 pair of shoes and a dress but still live at home so a bit of a job to wear everything .
“Stephen”…Just enjoy your dressing…I have over 100 Bras in my Bra collection…Be yourself…GIRLIE. Love Paul(a)
Like Richard (above), I am in the 50’s age-band but can only think of myself as Christine when dressed. I do agree that a thought out and co-ordinated outfit is essential as to how I wish to be seen. It’s also important (to me) that the outside world see’s me as well turned out and appropriately dressed 34 year old woman. To dress in any other way would be demeaning to all women, in my mind.
This post saddened me a little as my mode of dress is controlled by the 35 year old woman I live with. Over the past 5 years she has dictated how I will dress in the house – usually like a maid or in short revealing oufits, leaving little to the imagination. On the occasions we go out I am allowed to dress like a woman in their mid 20’s would normally dress – maybe 3 to 4 times a month, not a lot. In some ways I feel lucky to have someone looking after me but in other ways would like more control – when I do complain I am punished. Most of you women out there are so lucky so enjoy – Diane.
Hi Diane, it’s your post that saddens me, although I know nothing of your situation, that anyone at all has their freedom restricted, without their full approval. I was a submissive for several years, but the person I relinquished control to had my best interests, and my happiness at heart.
If your situation does not have your consent, and you are not happy there, it is abusive, and you may want to consider alternatives. The choice is yours, and you know yourself better than anyone else, but there is help available if it is needed.
I wish you all the best, and hope you can enjoy the pleasure that we Lucille’s girls are blessed with. Whatever happens, know that you are loved, and not alone.
Hi Lucille
I am in the 50’s age-band, and I feel that portraying myself in an appropriately thought-out and co-ordinated outfit is crucial to how I wish to be seen.
Love Richard
hey .. . hi !
i’ don’t care if the world knows what my secrets are 😉
mareike … skirt line … borderline between sexy & slutty 😉
Great enhances the feminine image. It is fun though in the privacy of your home to wear different clothes from different decades regardless of your is erotic and of course should be fun and sometimes cross dressing and being more feminine causes undue stress.enjoy ot while you can.the beauty and joy the feminine journey gives us we should be so thankful. Thank-you Lucille and staff for educating us in so many areas so we can maximize the feminine journey.
I have been public for about 8 years. Much of my success has come from Lucille, my wig lady and observation. In the past 3-4 years, I honestly believe I dress age appropriately and convincingly. I have had many comments on how well I put an outfit together, how nice my shoes, bag and jewelry coordinate and how well my makeup looks. I have made many girl friends and we delight in lunch dates, coffee and just casual socializing. Thank you so much for making this woman a woman. 🙂
Istarted dressing up in my 40’s 15 yrs. ago.Started out as to affect a classy, sophisticated older woman and stayed with it. I get awesome comments from women and other girls when i go out and dirty looks from the Drag Queen set. Guess your advice is right on the money, Loucille. Thanks for all you do for us.