Stepping out into the word as your female self can be incredibly empowering. It’s powerful validation for crossdressers and transgender women alike.
In this blog post, I want to dive into this topic and hear about your own experiences. How often do you present yourself as a woman in public?
Do you live as a woman full time? Do you crossdress regularly or on occasion? Or is the answer, sadly, “never”?
Please take my transgender / crossdressing survey and share your thoughts in the comments below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
Counting today?
I dress daily and go out all over. Looking nice is part of it, but you need to be confident as well. My wife loves it so we go out as “girls” all the time.
I have been all over dressed and always use the ladies room.
Most women seem to not only accept it, but like it. I could tell many stories about women in restrooms after drag shows.
I used to go out publicly before dressed as a woman like i stated in another comment. But it depends on the area you live in so i haven t been doing it for a few years now. I would love to be doing it again as i feel wonderful being outside dressed as a woman. if you see my other comment you will see how great i felt then but lately have been a bit depressed because i want to do it again and it seems like i just can t get up enough confidence to do it.
Since me and the wife have moved I crossdress 24/7. My wife asked me to dress all the time I at home and we go drive to the beach in the evening a walk along the beach, the feeling is the best and my wife enjoy the benefits of me as a girlfriend and lover. She does my makeup and we are planning are 2nd wedding dressed in the same dresses. We talk about what it like to live as the same sex.
You are so luck. I hope you realize just how lucky you are being able to dress as a woman all the time and being able to share it with your wife.
Kind like me & my SOGGF. Early in October 2015 (after I had moved in with her January 2015,) she came home several days early from a business trip, discovered me wearing bra, panties, her spare pair of 38DD mastectomy forms loose in bra, she was ROYALLY pissed, said i thought you had been raiding my undies, every time i go on a trip. Well u MUST obviously like FEMALE attire so for atleast the next month thru My office annual Halloween Party YOU WILL BECOME MY COUSIN TAMMIE, U WILL WEAR FEMALE ATTIRE 24/7 PLUS
You Are GOING TO HAVE MY SPARE FORMS GLUED ON JUST AS I HAVE TO (She’s a double radical mastectomy Breast Cancer survivor since 2013) every day but I going to GLUE THEM ON U WITH Waterproof Triple Strength Medical Adhesive, thus your BOOBS will NOT be able to be removed without special remover. Now Im Glueing them on.
after that Halloween SOGGF said the last month weve had a hell of a great time with u a TAMMIE, why not continue, so SINCE then I BEEN Tammie not Jammie. Weird we get along better as to GURLS we had many GNO (Girls Nite Out) she does my makeup, now she’s teaching me to save her time every morning br4 she goes to work. And so I can be ready for a GNO with little notice.
Got to run 7pm Friday SOGGF just got home said Tammie get Dressed in the sexy miniskirt and spandex mesh Bodysuit with the sexy hose i just got 4 you , you and I r going clubbing with some of my friends from work, meeting friends at restaurant at 930…
Bye and best wishes 2 both of you
SOGGF in October 2017 my 2nd bday as BABOK, SAID i think it is time to up your BUST size from 38DD TO DDD.
We have yet to go to beach
With me enfem but that is what she wants to do this summer 4 vacation both as “bikinied beach bunnies”.
When I was younger I’d dress up as a girl and go outside when a car came down the road I’d run indoors in fear. Lol now I love to go out dressed as a woman, feels great being out shopping this way.
I’m (practically) completely out to everybody so I act like I do and how I like; dressing how I want and wear A LOT of makeup xx
I’m quite young (16) so I’m not legally changed [yet ;)] and I’m not on hormones X( but I don’t leave my house without makeup and I dress how I want most of the time.
Hi I notice that most of the comments are from people living in the USA
as I live in Australia I would love to know where I can get hormone replacement so that I can grow my breasts I am 72 and all my life have secretly wanted to have breasts like a real woman I do go out dressed as a woman but not on a regular bassis and feel really good when I am out it has taken me quite a while to get to this stage of my life but I am enjoying it so I would love to know how and where I can get hormone replacement from i have never talked to my dr they only know me as a man
Sam, don’t expect much change with hormones. At your age, the ‘testosterone poisoning’ has had its time to deliver the full effects and your body will be quite resistant to any changes. I know, I had to wait to start until I was 62 and only had a little development that I had to augment with surgery.
hi from one Sam to another I also live in Australia and am about to start on hormones how I went about this is that I first went to my dr and told her that I was a crossdresser and that I wanted to take hormones to develop a breast so it was through her that I got a referral to a endocrinologist
I love to go out en femme every chance I can
I went to Key West and lived as a female for the whole time I was there and Lucille it was the time of my life. There were so many crossdressers there it was hard to tell the real girls from most of the crossdressers
I was treated with courtesy and dignity everywhere I went. I was addressed as Ms Crane or ma’am by everyone where I was staying. There wasn’t any stress about using the ladies room because it is accepted that crossdressers use the ladies room at the stores and restaurants in Marathon.
I really enjoyed myself and am looking forward to going back there for the New Years Eve weekend.