Do you feel like you don’t fit into traditional gender norms?
Whether you’re a crossdresser, a transgender woman, or someone who embraces a different gender identity, one thing is clear: society still has a lot to learn about gender non-conforming people.
Do you agree? If so, let’s talk about it!
What do you wish people understood about you?
Whether it’s the people closest to you or the world at large, what message would you like to share?
The more voices and perspectives out there, the more others will hopefully begin to understand.
I’d love to hear from you, so please share in the comments below!
I guess the one thing that I wish people would accept is that I am NOT some strange person. I am a normal heterosexual male. I love women and have a great relationship with a very special woman. She knows of my crossdressing and supports and enjoys it. People need to stop looking at the surface of a person and look deeper into their souls. CD’s, Transexuals, gay’s, straights or bi’s. We’re all people with dreams, wishes and hopes. Don’t judge us until you’ve walk a mile in our heels.
I would like people to understand that it is natural for me to like feminine things where as it may not be the case with them.
I am a CD who just wishes people understood that I am just a person who doesn’t want to upset anyone but is looking for acceptance for who I am.
I didn’t choose to be transgender. Being transgender chose me.
I agree Bobbie. The sooner people realize/accept that it isn’t a choice, the sooner acceptance will come.
I wish people understood just because I feel like I should be a woman does not mean that I am gay. My body has always been shaped very femine. I have always had wide hips a smaller waist and some boobs. My inner self has always felt different than what is shown to the rest of the world. But as soon as someone finds out that I really feel like that I am a woman and have all the same feelings and female qualities its what so you are gay. I have to explain no I am married to a loving wife I have a son. Yes I have been with men I do like them but I am not gay. If anything I am bi. I hate labels why cant we just be people. I am attracted to good people. I am glad I am so lucky to have a wonderful family who loves me so much but even my wife doesn’t completely understand me I don’t either it is very depressing sometimes.
I find being a cross dresser quite frustrating in that people tend to jump to far off conclusions or make assumptions that are way off the mark. My experience is that people – men, moreso than women – equate my wanting to wear clothes traditionally worn by women as a kind of sexual perversion. The find it hard to believe that I enjoy wearing women’s underwear – bra. panties, suspenders, stockings etc and that I love the love feel of a fitted pencil skirt or dress. They struggle that I wear breast forms for female definintion, that I can put on make-up as well as most women and that my wigs look like real hair. They actually struggle with the notion that when I dress I actually want to look like a woman, to act like a woman and to live as a woman would.
maybe it’s me but I just want to be Diane and wish people would let me do just that without a barrage of questions searching for an answer that I am unsure of.
Hi Diane – your comments certainly echo my feelings. Just as you want to be accepted as Diane – I want to be accepted as Christine and not be subjected to questioning by others looking for answers i don’t have. “Why” they ask and sometimes “just because it feels so right, does not sound good enough.
I find being a cross dresser quite frustrating in that people tend to jump to far off conclusions or make assumptions that are way off the mark. My experience is that people – men, moreso than women – equate my wanting to wear clothes traditionally worn by women as a kind of sexual perversion. The find it hard to believe that I enjoy wearing women’s underwear – bra. panties, suspenders, stockings etc and that I love the love feel of a fitted pencil skirt or dress. They struggle that I wear breast forms for female definintion, that I can put on make-up as well as most women and that my wigs look like real hair. They actually struggle with the notion that when I dress I actually want to look like a woman, to act like a woman and to live as a woman would.
maybe it’s me but I just want to be Diane and wish people would let me do just that without a barrage of questions searching for an answer that I am unsure of.
It would be that I am still a human being.
There will be some who do not tolerate either the transgendered or intersexed, and shun us because we reflect an aspect of themselves that they cannot touch. Then there are those who tell you that they think it’s wonderful, but never contact you again. Either way, you have become subhuman in their eyes. Those who walk this path lose 90-100% of their friends and relatives, and it doesn’t have to be this way. If you met me on the street, you would think I’m a normal female. I have met some real monsters out there, and people love them and shower them with respect regardless of the crimes they commit. But we are judged for an image, a concept without considering the mind and soul.
So yes, I am human–a human being that loves, cries when hurt, and feels lonely during the holidays when no one calls. I have all the emotions of a normal female. It takes a steel-edged resolution to survive this. So many do not, and take their own lives. Others wait for decades for love that never comes, and die alone in a corner of the world forgotten.
I am like you–just on a different path. Sometimes our paths converge and we become friends, or diverge and we go our separate ways. If I honor you as a unique being, why can’t you do the same for me?