Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s okay to crossdress? Do you feel weighed down by society’s judgment and expectations?
Well, it’s time to shed that weight and liberate yourself! Let’s talk about why crossdressing is absolutely okay, and why you should embrace it without any guilt.
1. Self-Expression Matters
As humans, expressing ourselves is a basic core need.
Crossdressing is just one way to showcase your personality, tastes, and preferences through clothing. It’s an ideal outlet for creativity and individuality.
2. Fashion Has No Gender
Who says certain clothes are meant only for specific genders?
Clothes don’t have an inherent gender; they are pieces of fabric that can be enjoyed by anyone. So, wear what makes you feel confident and fabulous!
3. Breaking Free from Gender Norms
Crossdressing challenges outdated gender norms. It’s time to break free from rigid ideas of what’s “appropriate” to wear.
Crossdressing allows you to take a stand against society’s expectations and encourages others to do the same.
4. It’s Not Harmful
Let’s be clear – crossdressing is harmless. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, there’s no reason to feel bad about it.
Feeling guilty about expressing yourself through clothing is unnecessary and unproductive.
In conclusion
Being true to yourself is a beautiful thing, and it sets an example for others to do the same.
So, let go of the guilt, and embrace your fabulous, feminine side!
Now I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Do you ever feel guilty about crossdressing? If you’ve overcome feelings of guilt, how did you do so?
Please take my poll and leave me your comments below!
I have guilt for sure. One I’m not out on this issue. I’ve been caught a few times by my mom and sister, and confronted about this by my mom who is vigilant on making me feel it is a problem. My sister was in denial that any of this ever happened, she didn’t question it or bring it up with me at all, which is fine by me. My mom is not accepting of it at all though.
She asked if I was gay, I said definitely not. I have no feelings for other guys in a sexual manner. She then asked if I wanted to be female and I said no. Technically that is half-true because I do and I don’t. I am both male and female on the inside. My gender identity switches back and forth constantly and sometimes they overlap making me conflicted with everything and it is a constant struggle and battle within myself because I am a man who wants to be a man and happy about it, but I am also a female inside who wishes to be free to express herself and be completely female. They both fight for control of my outer appearance, and when the female dominates, I feel guilty and ashamed because I don’t look like a female en femme, and I look even uglier now that I’ve gained weight. The only good that came from that (weight gain) was man boobs, so I can fit into bras now. I hate dressing bottom, so I do top only. Makes me feel more feminine. However when I look in the mirror, I feel depressed and everything because even though I have man boobs from being heavy, they aren’t female boobs. Then I want to grow female boobs and look more female, but the male part of me says that if I did, I would be more like a freak (no offense to TS/TG/CDs). I can’t feel completely male because of the female in me, but I can’t completely feel like a female because I just want to be male. It’s a constant battle that I wish I could just be one or the other completely as if from birth and be happy to be me. I try to find a balance for both male and female sides of me, but for many years the female has become more dominant of trying to control my thoughts and actions and the male side of me hates it.
So you know, I’m only into women being myself a man or woman. I’m a straight man and lesbian female. If I could somehow pass for both male and female whenever I want, I would be completely satisfied, I hope.
However not being out to my family makes it harder and I don’t come out because I’m not really sure what to tell them about me and these sides of myself, and feelings I have. I have no friends either. None of them knew or know about this issue either. My mom just keeps thinking I’m gay and constantly asks how I am doing with the CD stuff since she caught me once and wouldn’t let it go. I stopped for 3 years before doing it again, and now I just lie about doing it. She believes the lie, but is uncertain if I’m only telling her what she wants to hear.
I don’t really see it as CD though because like I said, I’m both male and female, despite my outside appearance not matching the female when I want to be. Then my mom says she is so accepting of the LGBT people out there, but I see her reactions to other people in our family and outside our family about it. She is repulsed by it, or I should say disgusted. I would say she only accepts it if she doesn’t see or hear about it. She just tries to keep a poker face about it when my lesbian cousin and her lesbian fiance are around.
I do want to be female inside and outside appearance too and find more female friends and a girlfriend I can be in a committed relationship with. I long for that so much. However when I also think about being in a relationship with a girl, I want to be a man as well to carry her over the threshold, be strong, confident, sexy, masculine, protect her, and be passionate with her in and out of the bedroom in socially accepted norms.
In regards to children, I want to be a father, not a father/mother. That is why I wish I could be one or the other completely.
This is just me, and only me, so please do not feel that I am passing judgement. After so many purges, I have decided that I can’t have my cake and eat it too. I want both, but can’t because of personal decisions and situations. I feel being Angie has become an addiction that is toxic to my “male” self.
Angie, you are stunning and beautiful ! Stay Angie its very becoming and the total package, love that black dress ! Dee
Thank you Dee! <3
H’I Lucille Sorella’s I to feel some guilt but not as much but because of weight issue. I only do it at home the drive is there to go out in public but i can’t don’t drive.Public bus is my only means of transport if you have any good idea email me.Love Petra.
No it is a way to cover up. Now running around in the nude is agent the law. So who says wemons clothing is for wemon. It just makes me feel good and it relaxes me. I’m a closet dresser but I have been out in public. I did my thing. And every one was Okey with it. So don’t mess with me and I won’t say anything.
MMmm. OK I have purged, been sick with worry, really really tried to stop, tried to do the opposite. Finally as I got older and understood my wife better I decided to tell her. I cant say she was happy and it is a long journey of acceptance (I don’t dress all the time), However, it finally came to me that it actually is who I am (half bloke half woman) and I have finally shed the shame and the guilt. It has been a great weight off my soul and I can honestly say I am now happy because I have accepted it as it is. My wife sometimes struggles but she is a brilliant woman and wife.
I have been living full-time as a woman for over nine (9) years now and very happy. I at one time lied, hid, and made up stories to hide who I was. I then survived a real bad divorce that almost ended my life because I was not happy anymore for who I was. I found Flat-2-Fem that started my road, to be honest with who I was meant to be since I was a little boy born a girl. I will be 67 this year as a fully developed woman with large breasts, fem legs, nice hips and smooth and soft skin. I have allot of new friends that accept me for who I am. Thanks again for your wonderful information here online
I guess I did once, since I kept it a secret. But the urge, the need, the longing was simply too irresistible. I thought of female things all the time, I wanted to be pretty and alluring all the time, I wanted to feel the eyes and desires of men and other gurls all the time. I wanted the thrill of being in makeup, heels, short skirts, panties and bra all the time. After my first male lovers treated me as a total woman, I was never ashamed again. So I am all over the internet, I’ve been featured in Frock and Transliving Magazine, I’ve been on the Grooby Girls web site. I never shy away from showing my face or letting someone hear my voice. I am a special kind of gurl and I discovered far more men and some women are into gurls like me than anyone would ever suspect. For all the men who are “surprised” when we get intimate, I’ve never had one turn away. So no I am not ashamed.
“Jen”…Isn’t it nice to have a “Sweet, Good Looking Boyfriend”…And wear “Matching Bras and Panties” !!!
I do feel guilt.
Ever since it first happened at 12 years old.
Because I love my family dearly,
it concerns them mostly.
That being said knowing others are there
and have been through it before helps a
great deal. I’ve also come to accept
myself. Curiously I tend to believe the guilt is only proof of my true feminine self – care for others, their feelings and well being is at the center of my person… I just have to remind myself that in this case it isn’t healthy guilt.