If you’re like many of my transgender or crossdressing readers, you might not be able to present yourself as a woman each day.
That doesn’t mean you have to lose your female side when it’s time to put on the pants!
In this post, I share 5 ways to stay in touch with your femininity – even in male mode.
1. Wear Women’s Underwear
Let’s start with the most obvious tip, shall we? Wearing women’s underwear underneath your male clothing is the easiest way to connect with your feminine self on a daily basis.
Aside from that, women’s panties tend to be more comfortable than men’s boxers or briefs. Plus, they come in loads of cute and sexy styles to add some secret pizazz to your outfit.
2. Try Stealth Crossdressing
Wearing lingerie under your clothes is a classic, but why stop there? Sneaking a piece of women’s clothing into your daily outfit is a great way to feel girly.
A lot of women’s clothing can pass for unisex, so try wearing women’s:
- Basic tees
- Button-down shirts
- Jeans and pants
Don’t forget about accessories! You could also play with wearing women’s boots or using a tote bag as a laptop bag or briefcase.
3. Apply Incognito Makeup
There are lots of ways to incorporate makeup into your daily look, even when presenting as a male. Here are 4 must-have makeup items:
- Concealer or foundation – Apply a thin layer to cover under eye circles or blemishes.
- Setting powder – Apply to shiny spots on your face, like the nose or forehead.
- Clear mascara – Use it to make your eyelashes look subtly longer and fuller.
- Uncolored lipstick – Instead of boring Chapstick, care for your lips with a clear lipstick.
4. Use the Power of Scent
Scents have a powerful effect on your brain chemistry and mood, so this is a great way to connect with your feminine side.
Wear women’s perfume instead of cologne. Musky fragrances are the most unisex, so you can wear them without anybody knowing your secret. (Check out my article on perfume to learn more about choosing the right scent.)
Another option is to burn a scented candle with a feminine fragrance in your home or office.
5. Keep Reminders of Your Female Self
Another tip is to surround yourself with reminders of the woman within.
One way to do this is through photos. Keep photos of your femme self on your phone, in your wallet, or even framed and hung up so you can see them often.
You could also carry around items personalized with your feminine name, such as a necklace, keychain, or coffee mug.
6. Try Feminizing Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a powerful way to increase confidence, reprogram habits and behaviors, and improve the way you express yourself as a woman.
Best of all, it’s the ultimate mental escape – allowing you to connect with you female self regardless of your current situation.
Try it for yourself by signing up for my free Unleash Your Inner Woman hypnosis mini-session here.
How do YOU stay connected?
In an ideal world, you’d be free to present yourself as a woman whenever and wherever you wanted. Until then, I hope this gives you ideas for expressing your female side anytime you want!
How do YOU stay connected to your feminine self? I’d love to know, so please share in the comments below!
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It has been such a long time, first knowing at five or six years old that something was different. I’m lucky in that I have very little body hair, and a trim, athletic physique. At one time this, and my somewhat sensual mouth, used to make me embarrassed and self-conscious, which led to various forms of disguise. Silly, I know, but so it goes.
No more. I barely own any male clothing, but as you pointed out, many items, such as my Victoria’s Secret jeans, can blur the gender lines. I wear women’s deodorant and light perfume. Usually a bra or sports bra, especially if I’m working out. Next goal is to join a girls only gym.
It is such a shame that so little is known or offered to help us, which explains depression, suicides, or just misery. Every step is a victory.
Thanks, Lucille, you’re a treaure.
“Alana”…I Love Your Sexy Pink Bra…It Looks Great On You !!!
Of course that was meant to say thank you. That’s one of my favourites.
Thanks you!
i always wear my fav. indian dress saree with complete make-up when i am in home. and do all work that girls do. i feel sooooo femine….
Hi Lucille and ladies! This is what I call stealth dressing. I do it all the time. I don’t even own any male m=pants anymore. I have a very few pair of male underwear, mainly for something like going tot he doctor, where I might be required to undress. All of my socks are womens. Many of my tops are womens; the rest are unisex.
My hair goes down to the middle of my back, as you can see in the picture. For everyday wear, I keep it in a high ponytail; many times from the back I’ve been confused for being a woman from behind, even as tall as I am, just because of my hair.
Jewelry: I have pierced ears, so earrings are an everyday thing. I have a very pretty anklet that I wear every day. I have my wedding ring, but sometimes just for fun I slip an engagement ring on to match. Most often, people don’t notice, or just don’t comment.
Makeup is an everyday thing. Neutral colors for stealth dressing, girls! a very light touch of blush, tans and light browns for shadow and liner (I wear glasses, so this is a bit easier to pull off), and clear mascara. A light touch of lipstick in a neutral color is a must! I keep my brows tamed and my facial hair is fairly light both in amount and color, so it isn’t hard to pull off a rather androgynous look.
Around the house I go fully dressed. When I go to work, or out shopping, I nearly always wear jeans. I like DKNY Skinny Boot cuts. They fit me well and don’t have a lot of gewgaws tacked on all over, or a lot of extra fancy stitches on the rear pockets. Sometimes I wear a bra; sometimes not. I am a natural 36B, so can go either way. If I am wearing a bra, I usually throw on a sport coat or blazer, so that the back band isn’t too “in your face”. With all the snow and ice we still had on the ground, up until today, I wore boots with a medium heel, but the big clunky kind – they look like motorcycle boots, and no one gives them a second glance. The other day, I went to the convenience store – the day I took the photo of myself in the multicolored dress. I was wearing 50 denier hold ups, and a pair of
2-1/2″ pumps. (Rommerson, incidentally – very comfy, and even in a 9Regular width fit my Men’s 8-1/2D foot) I was completely passable, until I thanked the girl behind the counter. She was funny, though. She raised her hand and made a circluer motion with her finger pointed toward the ground, meaning, “spin around; I want to see.” Then she said, “I am jealous. You have better legs than I do.” My cologne is Crabtree and Evelyn Sandalwood, so it is entirely unisex. I keep my nails trimmed, and the cuticles pushed well back, and just use hardener and a clear top coat. So, here again, they are fairly androgynous.
All my shoes (even in boy mode) are girl shoes. Most of my pants are girl pants (high rise fit better). Girl socks are softer. Cotton Hanes briefs are fairly unisex.
I also love to wear fem undergarments. they feel soft and lovely. i have thrown away all my male undergarments.
Maybe I am lucky with small feet. Places like Volume Shoe Source have some fairly adrogeonous shoes for women.
Hi Kitty and everyone,
I agree with you Girl. I wear girls pants most of the time because they fit me better. I can wear them on my hips and they fit my waist.They also feel softer. I recently got a pair of flared jeans from the op shop, girl’s of course, and i love them with boots.
I have worn girl’s thongs for years.
I love it all, and i dry my washing outside in full view of the neighbors!
Hi Kitty,
like you all my underwear are fem but can’t get away with wearing fem shoes all the time. nothing better than feeling soft fem undies under your clothes. I do wear bra most the time too xx
Hi Lucille. I came out to my two sisters on the heels of my mothers death. After I told them how hard it was to watch the girls divide mom’s jewelry and not say anything, they both gave me some of mom’s things, jewelry, clothes, purses, ect. One of the very special things they gave me, besides their support, was a James Avery Butterfly key chain. The butterfly is kind of my transition symbol. I keep it on my main key ring all the time now. A small thing, but it means a lot to me.
Lindsay you are so hot
The way that I stay in touch with my female side. Is I make sure that when people ask my name I tell my female name. The other way is I make sure that I have on female underwear and at least one pair of female clothing on and I always carry my purse with me at all times.
I have been incorporating some of these little things into my life. For example, I always wear panties, bra and hose — under my ‘man’ clothes.
I have a couple of blouses that allow me to feel womanly but do not attract negative attention.
I love the idea of the perfume. I will start using that and woman’s deodorant.
Thanks for the wonderful suggestions.