Stepping out publicly as a woman is a powerful way to validate your female self.
In fact, I recently published a poll asking “How often do you go out in public as a woman?”
I was happy to see that the majority of my readers (transgender women and crossdressers) go out at least occasionally.
No matter how often you do it, I’m sure you can remember your first time presenting as a woman or crossdressing in public.
Since this is such an important gender-affirming step, I’d love to hear about it!
When was it? Where did you go? And what was your experience?
Please share with us in the comments below!
And if you’ve never been en femme in public, I’m sure you’ll find lots of inspiration in these stories.
As always, thank you for reading and participating!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Unleash Your Inner Woman hypnosis mini session.
Coming into this a little late. After coming out to my wife a little over a yr ago, It was time a few weeks later to go to our therapist appt as me and dinner with my wife after. I did not have any female wardrobe yet, so I was in my Levis and sneakers with one of her tops. She did my makeup as I was still not even close to trying it on my own.
After the Therapist, we went to a little pizza place we like in an LGBT friendly area of Hotlanta. We went walking around after that, and I got my first purse at a little secondhand store near the pizza place. When one of the clerks addressed the 2 of us as “ladies”, my wife said I got the biggest smile on my face and she knew there was an even bigger one on my heart. We were called ladies another time that night in another store, and I was on cloud 9 for several days. We went out again in the same area the following Sat and we were called ladies many times, and it was my first time using a ladies room as well.
I was full time about 3 wks later.
My first time out completely dressed as Michelle was to be the highlight of my Birthday, I went out with 3 other ladies 2 genetic girls and another crossdresser like myself. Destination the casinos of Mississippi. It was a real great time, I was treated to dinner, and even the waiters and other restaurant persons could not see the real me, even going so far as to ask “How are you tonight Ms, or What would you like to order Ms, any thing else we can do for you tonight young lady. It was a real treat. However, like a great times, a fly just had to jump into the ointment. On one of those “necessary” moments we went to the ladies room to take care of business, and I neglected to wash up when done, one of the girls with me stated out loud “A real woman always washes her hands when using the bathroom” unfortunately, the casino employs persons to monitor those rooms and the comment was over heard, shortly after that, I found myself the unwanted attention of security for the rest of the night. We never went back out after that for fear of trouble. Since then I have noted lots of trouble for people like me in the area I live, seems we are not liked at all and the police are very unforgiving in any situations.
I have been cross dressing for about 40 years. No one other than my wife (although she does not approve) knew my secret. I finally told my sister, who embraced it. I was concerned about passing. I enrolled in a makeup program that was co-hosted by Lucille, which helped immensely. I was also concerned about my age. My sister gave me lots of support and helped me come out for the first time. We attended the play “Kinky Boots”. My first outing was exhilarating and freeing!
I am now excited about more outings. It is very difficult for me to practice all of the things that produce a more feminine me, but I practice whenever I can.
I am very excited about planning my next outing.
My first time out fully dressed as a woman came years after dressing in private.
When I was 5 years old I realized that I wanted to very much be a girl. Through grade school I always wanted to wear a dress and tights.
When I was a freshman in high school I started to wear my sisters outfits when I was home alone. My sister was three years younger but I was small and her dresses and skirts fit me perfectly. With time I put on pantyhose and could slide into her open toed sandals with an inch hell on them.
I continued dressing all through high school. I was on the football team but I spent the whole time watching the cheerleaders. Not so much that I wanted to date them but instead I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to step into that short pleated skirt and wanted so badly to be a girl.
After I got out of high school I moved out on my own. I continued to dress in private for years and had assembled a nice wardrobe.
Finally, I went out in public. Of course, I used Halloween as an excuse to get dolled up without being questioned.
I started my transformation at 4 in the afternoon by shaving all of my body and then taking a bubble bath. I put on a soft pink nail polish that matched the pink sweater that I would be wearing as my top. It had short puffed sleeves and was very girly.
Ultra sheer pantyhose and a short blue jean denim skirt with black pumps and 3 inch heels. It was a very smart sexy look.
I then did my make up as I had perfected my technique over the years and topped it off with a blond wig.
I got into my car and went out to a couple of clubs. My first stop was at a conveience store to pick up cigarettes, plus I wanted to see if I could pass. I walked into the store and walked the aisles for about ten minutes as I was pretending to be shopping. As I walked through the store most of the other shoppers paid little attention to me. That said I soon found myself it a bit of a jam as this guy was hitting on me. He was asking me for my phone number. I talked as little as possible and told him know. I got my cigarettes and left the store.
My next stop was a little corner bar. I walked into the bar and all eyes turned towards me. There was little reaction save for a couple of guys oogling me. It was at this moment I realized that I was passing as a woman and a sexy one at that. Of course, when I ordered a drink my cover was blown. The bartender looked me in the eye and said this one is on the house sweetheart. I felt myself blush but I was sooo happy to being accepted as a woman.
From this little corner bar I went to a costume party. The party was fun and I was getting hit on and asked to dance all night long. I really enjoyed the experience and just loved dancing the night away.
It was weird in that most of the woman there approached me as well. They would check me out to verify that I was indeed a guy. When they knew I was a guy the reactions were different. Some wanted to take me home with them were as others were sarcastic and would say nice try.
other pictures of myself as Deana
first time was 25 years ago …in the evening walking al the way in town ( a long walk ) to a tranny girlfriend , after that I went to her more often as Deana and did go out as girls together…… a few older pictures of myself
my first outing was Halloween 2014 I went to a friends house I was trying to come out to her but I think she just thought it was a Halloween costume I was so relaxed I felt great be dressed up when I got home I didn’t want to change but I can’t take a chance on my son or wife to find out yet I will be trying it again soon
I guess my first time going out was after shopping for a nice winter coat. It was at a lady’s clothing store and I had bought some outfits there in the past. The manager encouraged me to try on and even wanted to meet Marianne. So I brought an outfit there, changed and tried on several coats. And a few dresses. I picked out a new winter coat and found I had to wear it home. So I went home as Marianne. I also made one stop on the way home at a specialty store :).