Are you afraid to step out as a woman for fear of not “passing?”
Instead of fixating on passing, my advice to crossdressers and transgender women has always been to try to “blend in” as a woman instead. (Read more on that topic here.)
But lately, I’ve been wondering… Is blending in REALLY the ultimate goal when presenting as female?
After all, why wear cute outfits, style your hair, or apply makeup if no one notices?
I think it’s a natural feminine desire to want to stand out and make a statement. Does your inner woman share this desire?
This is an interesting topic, and I’d love to hear your thoughts:
- Do you enjoy getting positive attention when presenting yourself as a woman?
- Or do you prefer to blend in and attract as little attention as possible?
Please take my poll and share your thoughts below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
As a woman that happens to be transgender, I prefer to blend in. Standing on may bring unwanted scrutiny that can be dangerous.I believe I do a pretty fair
j’aime sortir en femme quand je le peut , et je fond dans la masse évitant de faire remarquer .je suis sorti et aller dans un bar et tout a été pour le mieux .
Whener i can i blend. I do it in safe place. I do it mainly in safe organized events. I dont know if there are some in France.
Well done for being you
My appearances as a woman so far have beeen happening privately and in some closed spaces only. But, actually, i would like to enjoy a lot of positive attention when presenting myself as a woman. When thinking most recently about making up myself the best way i can and appearing dressed as a woman on some streets, sitting in some bar, i was wishing for myself to find myself withing a group of real women so i could mix with them and have their protection from the eyes of people from whom defamation or other unbearable reactions could come. I could be exposed at some points, but then again blended in with them.
I prefer to blend in and appear as a genetic woman but as everyone else probably also likes it is very nice to be noticed for little things such as pretty dresses or a nicely made up face. Compliments are what make me feel like I am standing out
I prefer to blend in….most if the time. I do like to stand out, like most genetic women, when I am feeling randy or want to feel a little (OK, a LOT) sexy.
I prefer to blend in….most if the time. I do like to stand out, like most genetic women, when I am feeling randy or want to feel a little (OK, a LOT) sexy.
I tend to blend in fashionably. I enjoy wearing the classics of feminine appearance: dresses, skirts, and blouses. I also proudly wear lipstick and nail polish, when my nails are in good enough condition.
I like getting compliments. I also have great looking legs, which generate many of the compliments. So, I do dress to accentuate my legs purposefully. I do, however, choose carefully where I appear as LeeAnn.