Are you afraid to step out as a woman for fear of not “passing?”
Instead of fixating on passing, my advice to crossdressers and transgender women has always been to try to “blend in” as a woman instead. (Read more on that topic here.)
But lately, I’ve been wondering… Is blending in REALLY the ultimate goal when presenting as female?
After all, why wear cute outfits, style your hair, or apply makeup if no one notices?
I think it’s a natural feminine desire to want to stand out and make a statement. Does your inner woman share this desire?
This is an interesting topic, and I’d love to hear your thoughts:
- Do you enjoy getting positive attention when presenting yourself as a woman?
- Or do you prefer to blend in and attract as little attention as possible?
Please take my poll and share your thoughts below!
P.S. If you liked this article, you will love my FREE Male to Female Transformation Mini Course.
you know that i stand out being asian, so i blend in to my surroundings and environment and i stand out by being who i am ..
so being accepted as a natural woman is quite easy for me.. and i love it
I couldn’t agree more — you’re a bliss for sore eyes 🙂
Kathy, you stand out because you are HOT! 😉
That’s a tough question to answer…. I don’t think I’ll be able to say for sure until it’s happening. I’ll probably always stand out a bit because I’m an oddball anyway. Not in a bad way, I like who I am. 🙂 But I am! I dream about standing out as this vibrant, beautiful woman and being the center of attention but when I’m being honest with myself I know that that’s just not who I am, I have a party side but I like to keep things simple and watch from the sidelines, it’s just the way I am. And I don’t mean that in a bad way either, that’s just my personality! And the thing is I’ve told so many of my friends and family that I’m transitioning now and they’ve all been so loving and accepting that even the thought of passing has been seeming less and less important to me compared to just being able to express myself as I truly am. Obviously I DO still want to be able to pass one day, but that’s how I’m feeling right now! But I do still dream…. 😉 I don’t know, I guess we’ll see!
Never let go of your self or your dreams not saying it’s easy but it’s very rewarding i started my transition 2years ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made in my 62 years of life.
I would definitely prefer to blend in if out in public. My reasoning is blending in as a female would add to my self-confidence, whereas standing out–even if I’m at my most passable–would increase the chance of me being read.
I have always stood out as I like being the center of attention, not only on the dance floor, but socially. I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams, and am known as a beautiful woman, so many people tell me.
No more than a handful people have ever read me in 4 years.
I realize that I am very atypical among transwomen, and what works for me will not necessarily work for others, my mate included.
By the way, we now have plans to marry, since she still has her “M” id and I have my F id we can just go get a marriage license without any hassle. Probably will have a handfasting Wiccan ceremony and the official one at the Metropolitan Community Church.
We may both be the brides.
Dear Lucille,
I spent too many year hiding, now I enjoy going out as a woman. I think I do a very good job at “passing” (thanks in part to you and your e-books), and I want to turn heads in a positive way.
It depends. If I’m at the local Walmart, I don’t want to become one of the “People of Walmart”. So I try to just blend, same when I’m running errands en femme, But when I’m hanging out with friends, or just out for the evening, I want to stand out as “That really pretty girl over there”.
I would have to agree here also. I like to look tasteful in any environment that I’m in, whether it be Walmart or Macy’s. In my transgender journey there have been phases in my way of appearing in public. In the beginning of my journey I was a bit more extravagant in my attire but now I’ve mellowed down into a pretty casual look. I don’t put on near the amount of makeup that I used to put on in the day time. Of course I still go by my old rule of: “If you look good in a pair of skinny jeans; where them until the seams burst” 🙂 because we won’t be wearing them forever.
I agree with Jesika. There is a time to stand out and other times to blend
I prefer to blend in. Being a student I am just one of the girls.
I should clarify the “stand out”… I like attention but I want attention as an extraordinary woman, not as someone who is trying to be a woman.
And that Shirley is what I have accomplished thank the Lord.