Being a woman has so many great things to offer. From dressing up and hanging out with friends to expressing emotions freely, there’s a lot to love.
If you’re a crossdresser or a transgender woman, I’m sure you also find femininity and everything that goes with it pretty appealing.
So, I’d like to know, what do you love most about being a woman or expressing your feminine side?
Take my poll and share your thoughts in the comments below!
Hi, I am 65 and have known I was different since I wa about 5 years old,went out as a girl at 11 in my sisters clothes and passed even people who knew me did not notice, later I went through a fase of thinking I eas gay and trying it this proved to me I was not gay and was confused about what was wrong with me then April Ashley hit the news as a sex changed man and things started to become clearer, in that there was another possibility Transsexual/transvestite this was a big eye opener for me all those years ago. I have been maried for 40 years and have two daughters and three grand children, I still dress and have, through what I call herbal hermones, developed a pair of lovely small but nicely shaped and sensitive breasts and fem bottom and hips along with very soft skin but still have no problem in my male role.My wife has accepted me being what I am and knew befor we maried that I dressed. Iknow I am very lucky in that respect but my reason for writing this is to reassure younger girls that herbs do work for you but much slower than what you can get from the medics I feel that they are safer to use. Good luck GIRLS.
I have known I was a girl from the age of 8. I struggled with my gender identification for over 50 years, never being happy because I could not freely express my femininity without ridicule. I only felt free to express my true self in private which helped some but in the long run made me feel empty when I had to change back. I eventually came near committing suicide from suppressing my gender expression for so many years. As a last resort before going through with committing suicide, I finally went to a therapist who specializes in gender dysphoria. She told me I was not sick and that I would never be truly happy until I embraced the woman I truly was. After I embraced it, I finally was truly happy. I am now 2 years post-op and full of joy as I can truly be the woman that I am. I am so glad now that I didn’t commit suicide. Life is now so beautiful in so many ways.
I voted “other” cause i’m not sure that “I am my true self as a woman”, i mean..maybe i am, maybe not.
But what I know is that when i feel like that I feel REALLY HAPPY… =)
Until a little time ago i underestimated crossdressing or even femininity, I did crossdressing years ago but then I stopped cause my goal has always been that of transitioning (HRT and stuff…but I think I was and I’m still not ready…even if now I feel that i’m almost ready) and I started thinking that dressing at home with very feminine clothes/dresses was useless, and was better to investe in female-but-androgynous/unisex clothes for everyday use..and that was a GOOD IDEA…
But now I can say that to not cultivate my femininity at home or just look at the mirror and feel feminine, and BEAUTIFUL was a mistake. I had times when I thought I had to be a gay boy and I was repressing myself! That was a damage! I felt sad, depressed and angry…I was envious of girls on television and even in real life…(i still have this kind of issues and others but they have weakened and I have better days now)
I even decided to cut all my long hair, it was a shock! If now and then I had the (wrong?) impression to pass as a girl with a shaved head I didn’t had it anymore 🙁
Some days ago I received a human hair wig, I weared it…at first I didn’t liked how it looked on me, it was strange. But the next day I tried it again, adjusting it correctly..I did a nice make-up on my eyes with green eyeshadow and green pencil all around (I was inspired by a dream I had the night before, I was in some photos with my old long hair and a friend, and I was beautiful) I started feeling very girly and it really pleased me, I was so HAPPY looking at me in that way.. It was like seeing a new me, possibly the real me.
I think that, despite all the difficulties, I am fortunate. I have a CD friend..she’s older than me (57, i’m 23) but we are becoming good friends. I decided that starting to live part-time (and step-by-step without rushing into things) as a tg-girl could help me with my transition. We went to the sea a pair of weeks ago, it was such a beautiful day.. I had short hair but I still borrowed one of her bikinis and we took pictures among the reefs.
Now I have my super-cute wig and I want to continue get out en femme 😉
I voted “other” cause i’m not sure that “I am my true self as a woman”, i mean..maybe i am, maybe not.
But what I know is that when i feel like that I feel REALLY HAPPY… =)
Little time ago i underestimated crossdressing or even femininity, I did it years ago but then I stopped cause my goal has always been that of transitioning (HRT and stuff) but I think was and I’m still not ready (even if now I feel that i’m almost ready) and I thought that crossdressing at home with very feminine dresses was useless, and I have invested in female but androgynous/unisex clothes for everyday use..that was a GOOD IDEA..but now I can say that to not cultivate my femininity at home or just look at the mirror and feel BEAUTIFUL was a mistake.
I even decided to cut all my long hair, it was a shock! If I had the (wrong?) impression to pass as a girl with a shaved head I didn’t had it anymore 🙁
Some days ago I received a human hair wig, I weared it…and first I didn’t liked how it looked on me, it was strange. But the next day I tried it again, and again, adjusting it correctly..I did a nice make-up on my eyes with green eyeshadow and green pencil all around (I was inspired by a dream I had the night before, I was in some photos with my old long hair and a friend, and I was beautiful) I started feeling very girly and it really pleased me, I was so HAPPY looking that me in that way.. It was like seeing a new me, possibly the real me.
I think that, despite all the difficulties, I am fortunate, I have a CD friend..she’s older than me (57, i’m 23) but we are becoming good friends. I decided that starting to live part-time (and step-by-step without rushing into things) as a tg-girl could help me with my transition. We went to the sea a pair of weeks ago, it was such a beautiful day.. I had short hair but I still borrowed one of her bikini and we took pictures among the reefs.
Now I have my super-cute wig and I want to continue get out en femme 😉
More and more it’s becoming a realization that the ‘real me’ is a woman, even though I may look like a man.
For years, I even had my parents try to “fix” what wasnt broken. I really feel like the “me” I was meant to be as a woman. It isnt just a turn on to dress up enfemme. When I do, I feel like its the most natural feeling there is. I get help from a couple of gg I have known for a long time in my efforts, But most of the credit goes to Lucille hands down. With her wisdom, us girls get a lot of help to be the women we want to be. I get accepted as the woman/cowgirl that I feel like more now, but still working on everything
Just being who i am as a person that was born female interesexed, just some of us did not come with a womb, still im not the only woman who cant have children,
The best detail is being who i am being able to express my self & live my life in a way that says she is a woman & accepted as one,
I feel myself to be blessed and lucky that really I am a lady. The thing is to live and experience my world (inner and outer) accordingly. It’so nice to be a lady. I can not expres the feelings of ‘being me’,freedom from mailhood and all such things that I am expericing. Maria